
As someone who’s owned both previous xbox’s (1st and 360) I’d been on the fence for the last two years as to whether to get an Xbox one or not, the Kinect balls up, UI issues and the initial pricing put me off, but I brought the Ori/rare reply bundle over the Black Friday weekend (I had £30 of Amazon gift vouchers to

Looks like they are not the only ones.....

he consciously took a class A drug and taking a substance that has a tendency to give the user a euphoric feeling of invulnerability in a time frame where he could have been behind the wheel of a race car on the track with other people, potentially put other drivers lives at risk, seems like a pretty good reason to

there were rumors on twitter that this was not the first time, and that his type of behavior goes back to when he was test driving for Renault and super aguri, regardless that had nothing to with luck, he knew exactly what he was doing and deserves whatever sanctions he gets charged with.

Take note F1: having a killer line up never hurts, i think thats FE's main strength at the minute, good experienced respectable drivers (ignoring montangy and his apparent coke addiction), who know how to race and have done it for a long time, the only problem is the actual pace of the cars, but at the rate battery

Sucks for him, big fan of K-mag and was super gutted when he missed out the 2015 seat, i truly believe he's a real talent and its such a shame that the british media(ie Sky F1) heckled Mclaren into picking jenson (for the record im british and wanted them to keep Jenson and K-mag, dont really believe alonso would have

this season was a treat to watch, loads of overtaking at almost every race which is great to see, i find it hard to see why people have such a downer on the sound and speed of the cars, these v6 turbos are truly cutting edge technology and the cars are phenomenally quick on the straights, yes they don't have a lot of

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yeah defintley, its quite obvoius he just goes along with the silly aspect, the so called news segment is where it most obvious, hes says very little, apart from the odd well timed joke.

i think may wants to express his inner gear-head, but the shows so far removed from being about cars, that its not really something he can do, or is something that's accepted anymore if that makes sense?, i think Hammond and Clarkson to a lesser extent dick about so much, thats now the norm on the show nowadays.

loved part 1, felt very 'meh' about part 2, taking the whole 'incident' out of the equation, loved the beautiful scenery, and the cinematography they do is truly stunning, the story about Clarkson racing to the hospital was quite touching, i did get a sense that Clarkson was forming a bond with his 928, as was James

as someone who lives near banbury (or within 'Motorsport valley'), this is a VERY smart and sensible move by Haas.