When you’re talking about problematic lifted trucks, you should probably specify that you’re talking about the ones bearing low profile “mud terrains”
When you’re talking about problematic lifted trucks, you should probably specify that you’re talking about the ones bearing low profile “mud terrains”
First off, Camaros are not bad ass, they are bitchin.
like most of us, I have some elements that I don’t care for - but it’s well integrated and pretty cohesive as a design. The corporate grille is not my favorite part at all. In profile it reminds me of the Honda Accord or that hybrid they make. I’m struck by how much the interior seems like someone who really liked the…
OMG! That’s hideous! Why Hyundai?? Why is it with Hyundai *every* other iteration is awful? This goes back nearly 20 years. They have one design language that is *really* attractive, followed by... God knows what. I should know, I’ve owned three Hyundais, but damn if they don’t keep shooting themselves in the foot.…
I just decided I hate speedometers and tachometers that are pictures of speedometers and tachometers.
This thing fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Ok - for all you mealy-mouthed egg suckers - show me the pictures of what YOU have built. And Lego's don't count.
But that’s the thing: he didn’t imply trans is bad. He implied that pursuing his sexual focus and then finding out someone was not what he thought was bad. That doesn’t imply trans is bad; that implies finding someone is something different than you expected might be bad.
Fuck off with the sanctimonious posturing.
Meanwhile in Hong Kong, there’s a blogger posting about this amazing backyard full of cool rusted out 4x4s that he discovered in his January trip to Michigan.
Warren would have had a plan for this scenario.
Hold on, i’m looking for the perfect rock.
The problem is not necessarily the type of response, but the fact that Biden spouted off some nonsensical, old man yells at clouds back-in-my-day-boy, not even coherent rambling. Guns good or guns bad isn’t the point; the point is that Biden sounded like my grandpa in the throws of dementia.
Counterpoint. This picture here is closer to what it will look like in my driveway then any over-edited, perfect lighting, 10 layer Photoshop image Ford will release.
I don’t get why logos are “due for updates” anyway. Unless there’s a fundamental shift in the business that muddles the logo’s message or they used some very period-specific styling in the first place, there’s no need to change something that currently works. It only makes sense when there’s a functional issue to be…
There will be a single nut holding on all five wheels.
NASCAR is the bloated street whore of racing for money. There is no trick she would turn down for money. Yet, she toddled around town on ol’ timey 15" rims forever. I’m sure rim manufacturers must have been offering her whore-ass big bucks for the business equivalent of unprotected anal sex for years. “drop the lug…
LS swap? Isn’t that the answer to everything?