Serious answer - the modern GOP has stopped caring about making a positive difference in people’s lives and started caring only about power. They don’t even have much of an ideology anymore, except “We don’t like what the Democrats like.”
Serious answer - the modern GOP has stopped caring about making a positive difference in people’s lives and started caring only about power. They don’t even have much of an ideology anymore, except “We don’t like what the Democrats like.”
Wow - in this era of urban stadiums, I didn’t realize that the Senators played so far outside Ottawa. They appear to be right in the middle of farmland, with only an outlet mall and Costco for company.
I presume you meant Medicare with that first one, which is only for senior citizens. As for Medicaid, not everyone who can’t afford health insurance is eligible (and many of those who are now covered were only eligible in the first place because the ACA provided for an expansion of the program).
Or is allowing the baby or child to die after it is born okay, it is only bad if you remove it before it is fully grown?
Well, Jimmy probably isn’t the best example here, mostly because if push came to shove, he could likely afford the surgery.
Gotta be. And yes, it is.
“Michael Caine... Sally Field... Telly Savalas... Peter Boyle... Jack Warden... Shirley Knight... Slim Pickens... Angela Cartwright... Mark Harmon... Shirley Jones.... Karl Malden”
I love the first letter’s comment about the country being built by men in jeans and torn apart by men in suits.
When is he up for re-election?
Have you seen the sheriff’s facebook page? He posts so many things about/against caricatures of evil liberals that I’m sure he believes the guy dying of thirst is his own fault.
It’s breathtakingly...callous?
I wonder what beer he poured.
As odious as I find the housewives, I’m not sure they’ve ever advocated or wished for violence against others based on political beliefs. So yeah, he’s worse.
That’s not what I said.
Nah, businesses don’t care about hidden costs, either.
Megyn Kelly ... ball-breaking
He is most definitely not a Republican. He’s a wing nut, plain and simple.
I have listened to Alex for almost 12 years now. He is telling the truth 90% of the time.
That movie is hot. Contributed greatly to my own sexual awakening, and that was on VHS. I’m afraid to watch it now in HD.
Hiring a cab would not have complied. You had four passengers.