
Thanks - I didn’t actually see the link. Look forward to reading it.

“That headline is misleading. It seems to imply many people who know Trump are saying this, but it could be that a single person in the Trump campaign is saying this and many people are simply reporting on it (ie “sources close to the campaign” might just be one person).”

“The Clinton campaign has to stop making their entire election presentation on what a jerk Donald Trump is. Everyone knows that and the people that support him don’t care. Hillary has to tell us her vision and her plans to better America.

“States rights has pretty much always been about racism. At least for as long as any of us have been alive.”

“I really want democrats to start mentioning that Republican policies aren’t new ideas they want to try out, and we can look at how those ideas have performed in the past: always terribly.”

“This is the man who just hulked out on stage and directed a surprising amount of rage at Trump. It’s seems a little out of character for him to get angry like that”

“And still he has a 10 point lead in military households. That’s indefensible.”

No, Zoidberg would never write anything that stupid.

This is some top-level trolling here. Don’t ever stop.

“Government can be bad at civil rights as well, you know”

“Libertarianism only works for white people.”

I for one do think that we need laws prohibiting businesses from refusing service to black people.

“they’re pro-civil rights”

“If a third party is ever gonna gain power in America they need to start with local, state, and finally federal positions.”

Yeah, time to get back on the weed. It might actually make him more coherent.

I don’t doubt that Rudy was successful at leveraging the power of the state against individual citizens (even those who deserved it). He’s a bully, born for the trappings of the job without the empathy I think is necessary to temper that power.

“I dunno she seems to have gotten a Presidency out of sticking with Bill. Seems like a smart move.”

he has become one of the nation’s biggest fucking assholes.

He’s Cartman. All grown up.

Well, setting aside that such a charge would entail doing a little research, there’s one big problem with the guy who makes his products in China criticizing somebody else for sitting on the board a company that makes its products in China.