The bridge crew on this show looks back and forth at each other so much, I wonder if they’re going to love it or list it.
I guess it’s up to me to make the obvious reference then.
Everything Carnivàle.
I’m genuinely asking. Because I feel hopeless, not pessimistic. Despair, not cynicism. Don’t you fucking blame me or anybody else who has been pissed off of years. What a shitty assumption and blame-shifting.
And are you trying to impress us with how quickly you can fly off the handle and get off calling someone a pedophile for bringing up a bit of trivia? “Insufferable”? Really? Speak for yourself dude.
Well that escalated quickly
After seeing Tejada and Kang get their legs snapped last season, I’m okay with the rule. Screw unwritten rules and “playing the game the right way.”
go to jezebel
Go on...
“Yankees are a bunch of douchebags” - sing it to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme’s fun!
My favorite part is how he angrily exits his car, throwing his hands to the heavens as though the whole thing were an act of God.
PayPal wasn’t an advancement in economic practice?
Correction. Anyone’s life is less important than my property if they decide to mess with my property. I don’t make exceptions based on gender, sexual orientation, or color of skin.
As a Poli Sci graduate, i say i are are bad stupid.
Honest question: Should Bonds actually play for the Marlins this year (and omg yes he def should), would that reset his retirement clock back to zero for HOF voting? He’s only got a few years left and if he were to get it back to zero, in five years for his second “first vote” some more of the old hag writers would…
I knew people who were not car people and only bought Saturns because of the “no haggle” thing they advertised...