
@Tyrunn: A "flat" is great and all, but personally, I'd go for some sort of "cube" - I prefer "walls" to "no walls". Oh, you silly British people and your weird words for the same things we Americans use different words for... :P Whee!

@Tyrunn: Ok - fair enough. We're both men of intelligence, and we're entitled to our opinions so I wish you good fortune in whatever your endeavors may be. Also, congrats on the new job!

@Tyrunn: Fair enough on all points - I'm just trying to make sure you know though, that when someone tells you they're praying for you, it's 99% of the time, coming from a place of caring. And this isn't in any, ANY, way meant to dicount what your feelings are, because we are all definitely entitled to them and

@Sugarshock: I appreciate your friendly question, so here's how many of us Creationists see it. We see it as a very fundamental difference between completely changing physiology and adapting smaller traits. People have grown taller and taller over the last few thousand years, but I would put that up to better

@Daumier: But maybe they're inferring they adapted - not inferring that they evolved to grow legs to escape away from the poisoned water...

@rustyshackleford: Why is it that some people realize others of us want actual buttons and may not mind carrying a handheld along with phone. How many dudes carry a satchel with them to work, i.e. where they're on a commute and actually have time to play? Throwing an extra 8 oz portable gaming system really isn't

@Tyrunn: I'm with Aklost - you do seem pretty upset at anyone with a religion. As an FYI, you don't have to respond to this as I'm at work (don't have either the energy or the time to defend myself and others beyond this, so you can respond in as harsh a manner as you like, or just not respond at all - either way, I

@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: I got it - Gingerbread— Gingerbread houses— Decorating them for Christmas. It was well-played. Some people just get a little... "off-track" with their enthusiasm... ;)

@Nixorbo: I've always loved the animation for "tweirling, twirling, twirling"...

@Davio: There were two episodes with him - one was "The Springfield Files", which you're referring to, as well as "Marge vs the Monorail", the one famously penned by Conan O'Brien - that was the other one Nimoy was in.

@superfluousK: Aww, buddy - where did the realist touch you? Was it somewhere naughty? Don't worry -you can work through your namecalling phase someday.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: As long as there's naughty things on the interwebs, there will always be a demand for Kleenex. I'm just sayin'.

@Taurus_McGee: Well, I can't get it to embed properly, so here's the link to just the pic:

I don't know why, but this picture from the Dark Tower series really freaked me out when I was younger for some reason. The little picture here doesn't really do it justice, but man... so creepy:

@CParis: That's why they need to expand their formula. The other networks do three hours. Old fashioned news broadcast, to my estimation, is slowly becoming obsolete and those that have an hour-long news format at 9 (like where I live in the KC area), should rethink their strategy. Having a 9pm primetime show to put

@WookieLifeDay: Yeah, but moving a show into an embattled timeslot does nothing to help it's chances. They should have left it there when there was nothing else on Tuesday nights and allowed it to grow a firmer foundation. All the maneuvering can work against them.