
I didn't mean to say pro-abortion. Please note in every other instance of my responses, I've said Pro-Choice. I've even been polite enough to capitalize your view as a sign of respect.

You can call me on whatever you want, as I'm tired of arguing with you.

That was supposed to say Pro-Choice.

Eh, tomato, toe-motto. You see it your way, I'll see it mine.

That's a well-written, well-reasoned thought, although I still don't understand why you'd be disappointed that someone intelligent chooses to believe in a higher power. Not trying to start an argument, but I really don't think a belief in a god makes someone foolish.

Ok, so you do acknowledge that there were some people bashing then? Great - we're in agreement!

Is this aimed at me in particular, or are you expecting me to honestly answer for everyone in a similar political demographic? I assume "you" is in the grand sense.

I can't be mad at anyone who uses ninny.

Again, just like @artiofab, how dare you come in and try to interject useful information into this discussion that has devolved into me defending myself from many, many irate people??

I never said I don't care about babies after they're born. I get that you're upset, but I don't appreciate being lumped in with people who only care about babies up until birth.

Ok, I can respond to you as you're not vehemntly angry towards me. The reason I jumped in here is that I was just so TIRED of all the anti Pro-Life quips that I had to say something. Every day, there is a new article on eithere here, or Gizmodo, or even Kotaku, where somehow it devolves into "Christians=dumb". It

Wow - you are truly angry about Christians aren't you? Between this and your responses to my post, I now have a better picture.

Are you going to only jump on potential pro-life comments to start an argument?

I was a fool for trying to stand up for pro-lifers here. At least you were smart enought to leave your comment as one sentence...

Alright, Gawker, I'm done with this one. I hoped at least one person would jump in and say they agreed with me that it would be nice to not be insulting to the Pro-Lifers, but I guess it's not gonna happen. Feel free to continue agreeing with each other I guess, as I'm apparently the only conservative that even comes

Who else will speak up on behalf of an unborn child?

I never said you couldn't use protection... Not all of us are against it.

Your response is actually informative. Thank you for not piling on.

You can be Pro-Choice. It's your right. I'm not a fan of all the constant talking-down to Pro-Lifers.

That is one other grey area - when it could save the mother's life. I knew there was one other situation I feel grey about, and this is it.