
"Super cool" - again, insulting.

Yup, it is their job, but many people are too afraid to speak up. See what happened here? One person came into this forum with a dissenting view and has been vehemently argued against by nine different people so far. Hard to unite people when they immediately get bashed by an angry mob.

No, the overbearing beliefs I was referring to are those of those people here in the forums that made it a point to insult others. It was not a comment directed at all Pro-Choice people.

Terms like "piddlyshit" and "fucking ponce" do not enhance your argument.

Feeding Christians to the lions was a super great thing to bring up. Bringing up religious cleansing from the Roman Empire is a great way to make your point...

Ok, thanks!

On behalf of anyone who's unwilling to comment in this article in favor of the 45% (for whatever reason), those of you with a more liberal, pro-abortion view are way too insulting against those who don't believe what you do.

"Eye" don't know what to make of it...

I also thought that was incredibly lazy of Nintendo to do that. At least these two guys have different outfits instead of just yellow/blue Toad... ick.

Fair enough - I think we were pretty pleasant about it though. It was more of a kind suggestion from two devoted readers that likely represent many. Have you been to the other blogs? Other than Engadget, I think they're patently terrible. It's one reason why there are so many Gawker readers...

I'm with you - not trying to berate you Sam, but I just don't know if it adds anything that a simple "damn" wouldn't have done.

This - I have a Droid Incredible and sometimes pulling the battery was the only way I knew of to get it to restart.

Hmm - that doesn't ring a bell at all. The only ones I ever saw were the ones in cooler weather with him strolling through Central Park in NYC... I wonder if they did the Nelson one after enough people were offended they weren't filming their commercials here.

Thanks for the responses everybody - I think the XNA might be the key though as if anything revolutionary comes in, it might be from there.

Maybe a Mango afficionado can answer this for me, but the article mentions gaming as obviously benefitting from a dual-core in the near future... However, are there any exciting games for Windows Phone? No snark - genuinly curious as they showed some neat potential games before WP7 was released, but then nothing like

As a KC,MO native, I think it's wonderful that they chose to give us the test rollout when so much of the rest of the country treats the Midwest as flyover country. For example: Sprint is based out of KC, and yet, their own CEO chooses to film all his commercials in NYC - that has always irked those of us here. If

I am SOOOOO incredibly sick of people taking shots at Christianity on Gawker sites. This article has nothing to do with religion , so keep your rude, insensitive comments out of it.

I'm right there with you on Carnivale - I've been rewatching the series for the fourth/fifth time, literally over the last week, and I'm reminded how I've never been as infuriated with an executive as I was when I heard that very same reason for cancellation of a show. "Logical and satisfying conclusion", my eye. Not

To paraphrase Peter Griffin, "I am gonna plow this game so gross..."

I lulz'd - quite a bit...