
@WookieLifeDay: Yeah, I understand that, but there's no reason you couldn't slot it in there with the two of them and then you have a 3 hour solid Tuesday night with at least one show that might appeal to people that aren't 15 year old girls or 45 year old housewives...

@diasdiem: Punch 'er right in her 'die-ub-eet-eeze'...

@WookieLifeDay: So my complaint is, why the heck did Fox ever move it off Tuesdays? I think Tuesday is a wasteland of TV becuase I don't watch Dancing with the Stars or Glee or American Idol. Something a sci-fi only person like myself would watch taht night would be... Fringe!! They should move it back rather than

@pz: Boo - way to lump everyone in together.

@D Israel: I think many people are hungry for some sort of spirituality. If anything, an embracing of technology makes a traditional, stuffy church appear more inviting - a place that appears to welcome in newer things (if that makes any sense) and possibly a different set of people than they normally might. It shows

@BeowulfRex: I names my purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi "Arkham". That doesn't really add to your post, but I just wanted to chime in from one Lovecrafty to another.

@D Israel: My wife and I have been church-hunting lately, and the last few we've been with have completely gone away from hymnals or even asking you to take out your Bible and open to a specific passage. Everything is done on projection screens so new people to the church don't have to try to find a passage in a book

@robstak: How does insulting him contribute to this discussion? I'm at least admitting my comment in no way furthers the discussion, but is merely in defense of someone who just wanted to chime in to something he's interested in and shouldn't have to defend himself.

@paigowprincess: I just spent 15 minutes getting ready a thoughtful 1200 word response, mentioning the Dec of Ind and how it mentions God/Creator three times. But then, I thought "What's the point - you can't argue with an anonymous person on the internet". So I deleted it and decided to go with this instead:

@paigowprincess: What is it with everyone and your utter disdain for Christians? Why do Christians like myself even look at the comments here hoping for thoughtful discourse? It seems to me we've come full-circle and the anti-Christian people are the most venemous in their responses.

@jedimastereric: Man, you're angry... If someone wants to believe in God, chastising him for making a positive statement in an article where most people assume that all Christians/religious-minded people will ONLY make negative statements, just makes you look small-minded. Ease off.

@ri59: Those of us stuck on work computers where they refuse to upgrade past IE6, so you don't have a choice but to actually go to Google to search...

@RutgerHauer: Actually, I was a little old for Power Rangers when it came on, but I must have seen those goobs in one or two episodes someone else tried to make me watch. Thanks for clearing that up as it was really hurting the ol' noggin.

@RutgerHauer: That looks soooo familiar. What the crap is that from???

@Jorin: You should be able to click the "x" for it and permanently close it so it doesn't show up on every one of the articles... You're welcome. ;)

@Molly O'Poverty: She was the girl Ben Savage's character had a thing for in the 90's sitcom Boy Meets World... Totally a great, out-of-left field codename!

@AlphaJarmel: She is close to that - I think they made her and both of Ned's daughter's a little older than each of them respectively were in the books, because of all the adult situations they got into. Especially Dany because of all the sexuality surrounding her character. They did it with Martin's approval as he

@sid9221: A computer. The difference between a computer and a woman, is that a computer always accepts a floppy...