
@Kogo: Still so incredibly pissed this got canceled. I know I need to get over it, but the moron head of HBO at the time, who's reason for cancelling it was "I think it reached a satisfying conclusion", has to be an even bigger idiot than Zuckerberg over at NBC.

@Kraken: No kidding - I have an Incredible too and there was a rumor we'd get this by the end of July, and there was no word on the Evo. Now the Evo swoops in and gets it first. You're killing me here Verizon. PLEASE RELEASE NOW!!!!

@Srynerson: That's an excellent suggestion, but I can't see Nolan ever going with a B-level villain like Ventriloquist since (according to the article) this will be his last Batman movie. Even though I'd love to see him do at least one or two more...

@3in1Doctor: Actually, I think that's a pretty good suggestion. I didn't know much of Tom Hardy, other than not really digging him in ST: Nemesis, but after Inception, I gotta say, he's probably a much better actor than I gave him credit for.

@joelja: Yeah - that's the same one that was mentioned in the second paragraph of the article. The original Rav4 EV made from 1997-2003 was mentioned right up top as part of the article. I was trying to be ornery...

@joelja: You mean the same one mentioned in the article...? ;)

@John Aaron Schmidt: Oh man - I couldn't disagree more about it being something worth reading.

@Pookiewood: The greatest film of all time, good sir. "Citizen Kane" - the actor in said gif is Orson Welles. :)

@Chike Ujuagu: It's from Little Shop of Horrors. That particular scene is from one of the greatest musical numbers ever, featuring Steve Martin at his finest!

@Quilt: No worries - I just love to tease!!

@Quilt: I know, right? Personally I wish they would have cast Seth Rogen... ;P

@Hvedhrungr: Ahh thank you sir. Nothing like a good absolution to end a quiet Monday at work!

@Hvedhrungr: Yes. Yes you did. Normally I'd apologize as I'm sure at this point, it's up there with "Will it blend", "Can it play Crysis", etc, but the opportunity this time was just sitting there, seductively calling my name. Begging me to make a silly comment...

@Edo411: As someone who has qulams with stem cell experiments, my issue with it is when they're taken from aborted fetusses . Go ahead and flame me for being "pro-life" if you will, or for actually believing in God (believe me, I'm well aware how much the internet seems to hate Christians and lump us all in together