Yep, Canadians banning american tourists during a pandemic is definitely the same as americans restricting mexican immigration all the time. You sure owned those liberal hypocrites. You are very smart.
The difference is a huge one. One is people fleeing persecution and death at the hands of gangs, government and poverty. The other is a bunch of self entitled TOURISTS who haven’t taken the time to clean up their back yard before attempting to ruin ours. Stay home, wear a mask, social distance and if you encounter a…
Found the ‘Murican, he doesn’t understand the difference between asylum seekers and tourists. Must be all that high quality public edumucation.
Have you missed the recent news about almost every country in the world banning Americans from visiting because you bathe in COVID-19 and we don’t want you spreading it?
You answered your own question with ‘migrants’. Folks coming into Canada aren’t seeking a better life, they’re tourists, they’re here to look at mountains or visit their cottage, possibly bringing the virus with them. The people still looking to immigrate here still can, but they will have to quarantine when they…
Yes, such terrible persecution you’re fleeing. Sure, there’s a chance you and your whole family could be killed by a cartel in Mexico, but that’s nothing compared to the hell of having to wear a mask in public. They have no idea how easy they’ve got it in Mexico!
I dunno, I actually think making her a disillusioned good guy badass feels fresher. We’ve seen the “disillusioned bad guy” a million times. And it’s doubly rare that we see that the good guys also have badass SEAL types who do the dirty work no one else wants to.
Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die
I saw that too! and if the message was meant for Manhattan, why would he need a satellite to see it? I think that’s a Trieu Industries satellite (they mention a Trieu orbital array in the Laurie phone booth episode) which makes me think he’s calling Lady Trieu for help... but then what word starting with D does the…
Veidt message was actually cut off it read “Save Me D.”
I was thinking “Save me Dr” If Manhattan imprisoned him then why would he be asking him to save him?
Also why he imprison him and why wait till only 4 years ago?
Veidt isn’t orbiting Mars. He’s on one of the moons of Jupiter, probably Io, Europa, or Callisto.
Damn. I thought you were going to bag on the interiors, which are also brutally ugly. I think part of why the tiny house movement has gained popularity is that the interiors are often a serious improvement upon the standard RV. My husband and I are seriously considering a tiny house in our retirement years. I’m not…
watching host Nicolle Wallace frozen on the spot, understanding that something big is happening in front of her but seemingly with no idea at all what to do with it, or herself.
As the saying goes — the first step towards addressing a problem is recognizing that you have that problem to begin with. America has spent decades either pretending this undercurrent of racist hate and intolerance didn’t exist or passively rewarding it. And before that, it spent centuries REVELING in it, fought a war…
This review reads like you think the show owes you an apology for last season and is trying to make amends. It doesn’t and it isn’t.
“Don’t compare yourself to other women; they are younger, so what?“ I’m pretty sure as a hetero man, that you couldn’t custom build a woman out of a set of characteristics that would get even one man not to glance at someone else. Thinking you aren’t as beautiful because you don’t have X is BS. I understand the…