Right, because, for sure, all american tourists will be “healthy”.
Right, because, for sure, all american tourists will be “healthy”.
Salient points like wizards shitting (on the floor, in their pants?) and then making said shit disappear?
They sell them at Target.
How about all the people who have died without proper healthcare when a guy like this convinces them it’s “socialist”.
I took it to mean that he thought that sending Camille on assignment to her home town would help her after her stay in an institution. His wife was reminding him that he’s not a doctor (like Dr. Phil).
That’s like these people who won’t wear belts and think you’ll be “thrown clear” in an accident.
My 1964 car didn’t have them but under the seat and carpet
That can’t be it.
Not true.
Yeah, Old Dutch are the best.
That “no headphone jack” is some serious bullshit.
1000X this /\.
This didn’t originally air in HD so are they doing a Star Trek TOS/ The Wire type thing to it?
This didn’t originally air in HD so are they doing a Star Trek TOS/ The Wire type thing to it?
Nerds are smart.
Jesus. Just the first few minutes of that vid. are terrifying!
I dunno. If people want to ride, let them ride.
You hit the nail on the head there. Or a pair of those chinese-made “motorcycle boots” with the too-thick heel and sole with a metal plate bolted to the side of the heel.
I didn’t even know that was a thing until last year. I’m not a big fan of a bee to the face at 60 mph and a missing jaw if I crash but OK…
Didn’t…Sell…Helmets…? Wow.