
I work a customer service chat line and these people do this just about every day. Other than my name (which is my real first name) identifying that I am a woman, the customers have zero indication of what I look like, but like to constantly remind me to "stay sexy."

If you want to know "what people read" on the subway, couldn't you just, you know, look at the cover?

Just blocked this video because it autoplays. Please refrain from posting things that autoplay.

This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?

I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more;
The people who developed this mod or the people who think this kind of childish shit is hilarious.

And, of course, he's the only one giving a convincing performance.

Not you too!

*starts giving CPR to Alien: Isolation*


This got delayed too? Hm ok.

We're not ready to make a detailed statement about what happened with Yogventures. Winterkewl's statement omits much and I would disagree with a number of points, but there's no value in going into detail.

For now? Let this be yet another cautionary tale: be careful what you Kickstart.

I think it looks amazing for a console about its age

I try to be mad at my cats when they knock shit down, but the little fuckers just give me their little stares of cute death, utter a little "love me" meow, and I'm putty in their little furry hands.

And then it'll all be bundled into the Complete/Ultimate/Game of the Year Edition anyway. Buying games at launch is really just asking to pay more these days...yet I still do it :(

Except you have to tell everyone how awesome your dog is and list all the reasons why your dog is so much better than whatever pet they have even though the person you're talking to couldn't give less of a fuck.

Personally, I find console-exclusive content to be more irritating than console exclusive games. Maybe that's not an entirely rational point of view, but it just feels wrong to me. Like the developer is telling me that my $60 is not as good as Johnny's $60 just because Johnny has a different box than me. That my

It's not hard finding things that are wrong with the video game industry these days. From rip-off DLC to paid-for

Okay, carefully re-reading the paragraph both before and after it, I can sort of see that if I squint real hard.