please tell me you’ve got a recording of this played backwards
please tell me you’ve got a recording of this played backwards
Shout out to President Bartlet going up against Trump.
Mr. Handy can actually say your name—be it John, or something more ridiculous like “Mr. Fuckface.” He will vocalize it all the same. I can’t wait to see all the offensive and silly names that people come up with!
Another broody white dude in an open-world game. Eh, regardless this shot up to become my most anticipated game for 2015. Sorry, Witcher, Arkham Knight (also two grimbro open world games).
Seems more Temple of Osiris than Diablo, to me, what with the emphasis on co-op.
They also take away Insight, the assholes. Simply the worst.
Isn't that beautiful creepy beacon sound from Danny Boyle's "Sunshine" (2007)? Ah...
I won't play this because I have no interest in sports games, but I adore the idea. Excellent post.
This was amazing and resonated so strongly with me, as a person of colour who writes about games. Thank you to all the writers.
Dying Light is a game with a lot of loot and a lot of grinding. If you're looking for an easy way around its loot grind to maximize your time spent killing zombies for fun and fun alone, fear not: players have uncovered a handy exploit to do just that.
I haven't gotten any guns yet, but melee combat is identical to its predecessors. I always liked Dead Island's tense moments of hand-to-hand (or, more accurately, metal-pipe-to-rotting-stump-of-an-arm) combat, so I think it's a good thing that Techland sampled from its past work so liberally. There's a stamina bar…
Yeah, Jim Sterling did a playthrough of this nonsense some time back
This is the worst part for me, since the game itself feels better after four patches. How do you miss something like this? HOW!?
Thanks for this. It makes me want to replay and take Solas everywhere.
I for one am glad you wrote this: it's articulated a lot of my untethered responses. We can also talk about the precedent being set for other devs, etc.
How the hell did this person makes this video? It's amazing.
Consider me scolded thoroughly.
I only feel safe when a game has been pushed forward. I'm sceptical of all games otherwise: Shadow of Mordor, stay with me!
Better a good game later, than a crap game earlier. Take your time, Bioware. Make me love you all over again. Also, thanks for giving my wallet some breathing room. Though you are clashing directly with Far Cry 4.