Do you even Hulk Bro?
Do you even Hulk Bro?
If I could make it play music I would... So for best effect watch the video below while staring at the picture:
Man, Blizzards video explanation of how the map works was super confusing. I managed to get a couple matches in last night, and actually playing it, it’s pretty easy to follow.
Man I wish this applied to gold purchases as well. I don’t play enough to warrant real money purchases ( I think I bought the Nexus bundle back in beta days), and I’m sitting on enough gold to buy any one character, or a few cheaper ones, but I just can’t make up my mind.
Haha good ol’ Sulik... I remember one time I had my main character with a sniper rifle and like a 99% chance to hit, and I missed so bad, I swear that kid was nowhere near my intended target...
I remember back in the Fallout 1 and 2 days being in huge fire fights, and then a friggin kid runs through the battle field and accidently gets picked off. Then you spend the rest of the game branded as a child killer, and all the npc’s hate you... It was super annoying.
Well, thanks for ruining the days of everyone around me... Just seeing the title was enough to get this song stuck in my head, and spend a lot of time singing out loud without realizing it...
Hey Aikage, I saw a tutorial on making craft foam look like leather, and thought of you:
Was Messiah really all that awful? I remember wanting to play it when I was younger, but never got my hands on a copy.
Dang it Fahey! I was sure I locked in a win with this one!
What game is this? I swear I remember playing it as a kid.
But can it stop a train?
Why isn’t this Sabin? Never ending pummels and suplexes...
Anyword on any single player/Co-op stuff in it? This looks great but I am awful at PvP, and 60 bucks is too steep for me to be fodder.
Oh man... Big Leagues, Pain Train, and Moving Target... I can’t wait to play a Melee character for the first time!
Damn you Patricia, I don’t want to know anything about the game before I get my hands on it... but I’m just so weak...
Man I wish you got Legion earlier in the game... Garrus, Legion, and infiltrator Shep sniping all day long.
If I had the cash kicking around I would totally drop the $10,000 to see myself get murdered by Jason...