Its the obligatory the best way to play this new hot game is on hard mode, or with the map/hud turned off... Happens every release almost.
Its the obligatory the best way to play this new hot game is on hard mode, or with the map/hud turned off... Happens every release almost.
Huh... Pretty sure thats famous pizza delivery boy / wanna be ninja turtle Keno...
The owner of the local gamestore I shop at has a pretty similar experience (his wife was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago). Her go to game is Spot It, which they teach to darn near every person who enters their store.
Well, you are right about one of those things...
So they sold all 12? It’s Nintendo it’s gonna be short stocked...
First time I saw this message I bought a 2tb hard drive the same day. It was super easy to swap. Slide of the cover, take out the single screw holding in the hard drive, slide in the new one and install the PS software via USB. Takes roughly 5 minutes start to finish.
Ya I am just learning today of the windows store on my computer... Never used it before.
Scalebound, Cup Head, and Killer Instinct are all I’m really interested in. I haven’t seen anything on those coming to PC.
ya from what I’ve just looked up, its whatever is available on the windows store
So you are saying that I will be able to play Scalebound without buying an xbox? This is good news.
Wait... so am I able to buy an xbone game, then download it onto my pc and use my pc to play it even though I don’t own an xbox? Or is it basically remote play, and it plays from your xbox onto your pc? There are a few xbox games I wanted to play, but not enough to warrant buying a whole new console.
Steamworld heist is so good. I didnt realize it got a disc release... I know someone who is getting that one for christmas for sure.
Mythics really aren’t that bad, just don’t stand in crap and attack what the tank attacks and you’ll be fine. Also read the damn Adventure guide if you’re not sure of something, so many people can’t be bothered to spend 2 minutes reading a quick breakdown of what you are supposed to do.
If I could refund NMS on PSN I totally would right now. I really want to like and play the game, but unfortunatly it crashes roughly 80-90% of the time when I try warp, and also fairly frequently when I am just entering my spaceship. That being said, I haven’t tries it in the past week or so, so maybe the issues have…
Huh... Thanks for making me feel old...
Hey Zar! Did you weaken the last boss before you fought it? I actually found it to be one of the easier fights.
I feel the game would have been better if it was an actual full length game. Everything is so compressed, and I think it really hurts the feel of the game. There is no time for light moments.