It’s Taurenrider. The communities section is being super screwy right now, so maybe it’s just not loading the communities people are a part of, who knows...
It’s Taurenrider. The communities section is being super screwy right now, so maybe it’s just not loading the communities people are a part of, who knows...
Unfortunately we can’t use yours, the person who you are using to search also needs to have their account set so other users can see what communities they are a part of. Man why did Sony make this so difficult... Could you send me an invite?
Way to ruin that kids argument that he needs to play destiny all day long...
I did a post in TAY on how to find the TAY community, It should all basically be the same. We just need somebody who is already a Kotaku Destiny member to leave their PSN ID so we can find it.
I never said it was a bad thing, if anything I am enjoying it. Last years Madden commercial was super solid (wasn’t really a fan of this years), and this guitar hero one made me laugh. I just thought it was a little weird that both brothers are doing them, maybe the guitar hero guys saw the madden commercials as a…
Oh man, I nearly spit out my coffee. So the Franco brothers major thing now is doing video game commercials?
This is good news. I really enjoyed this on PC, but refuse to spend money on a chance to get a hero I want.
Ya but we have no In-N-Out, and our Netflix pales in comparison so it all balances out.
I live in Canada. Alberta to be more exact.
I know right? They get almost every game, usually 20-25 copies about 2 weeks after release, and you get to take them out for 3 weeks at a time for free.
Unfortunately no Hulu in Canada... and crappy Netflix...
This and The Warriors were the first two things that popped into my head.
See this hat? twas my cat
Made from real gorilla chest?
Oh... I’m sorry for your loss...
I saw this tv series on sale at a local used movie store and I could have had the entire series for like $125, and my wife said it wasn’t a good way to spend our money... I will never forgive her...
I want this jacket in real life...
Wait... how the heck did you fit all your beard under there?
Just put a hold on this at my library. I really like games like this but have never actually tried disgaea.
Ya, I decided to go hunter. I haven’t used her in any story missions, just spent a bit of time doing bounties and stuff to get the feel.