
Why not? I read my feeds, watch video and listen to music or podcasts on the go or while working, eating, cleaning etc. I message or video call my long distance partner, add will add my family and friends. I work on my songs, articles, stories. I come here and comment.

I was looking specifically at battery life when I got my last phone. Luckily I was looking just when the Motorola G7 Power had been released - 5000 mAh battery plus slightly lower resolution screen than is typical for a phone that size means I’m guaranteed three days, and often hit four before needing to charge. With

if people insist on using these ports they can also just buy charge only cables (https://amzn.to/2qk98Xw) that can’t provide a data connection. They are actually missing the data wires inside the cable, or there are also adapters (https://amzn.to/2OiCgGz) that convert a normal cable to charge only.

Last week, one of the local roads was clogged with folks waiting for the drive through of the local Popeye’s.

Did she have to ask you to call? Or could you have called on her own?

I like to think the doctor takes the daughter into the other room and says, “Listen your dad is nuts and obsessed with a piece of anatomy that’s not at all what he thinks it is. So, we’re gonna have a normal check-up, you’re gonna let me know if you have any concerns I should report to state agencies, and Imma BS your

I had a mom and dad come in to my office just a few months ago (I’m a primary care doctor) asking me to do a pelvic exam on their sixteen-year-old daughter to see if she was still a virgin. The daughter was standing there mortified, crying and shaking as she argued with them not to make her do it.

When I was 16, I made the foolish decision to stay with my 20-something boyfriend overnight (which, surprise, eventually turned into an abusive relationship that lasted until I was 21, but that’s another story) and lied to my parents about where I was. They inevitably found out, and part of the fallout was my mum

I said “otherwise healthy.” The only routine/preventive thing you mentioned is pap smears, which 18 year olds should no longer be getting per evidence based guidelines.

My mom tried to tell me that she’d know if I had sex so never bother having it when I was living under her roof. When I did lose my virginity, she was so engrossed in an episode of 20/20 that she never looked up from the TV. So much for that scare tactic. She clearly thought I was an idiot.

Imagine thinking “I inspect my daughter’s vagina annually” makes you sound like a good dad and not a crazed lunatic or sexual predator.

Rhyming “down there” with “down there” is a sign that he has the soul of a true poet.

As if it could get worse, T.I. also readily admitted that he knows his 15 year old son started having sex last year and doesn’t have any issue with it. I’m guessing he also reminds his son that “those sluts” are fine for now, but make sure you find a respectable woman to date. 

In fact there are 2 hymen down there now. Looks like a third is coming in. She might as well join the clergy because those things aint going nowhere

I’d just tell him that she’s not required to disclose any of her private health information to anybody else. It’s standard practice if a patient’s parent accompanies them to the health visit, past age 11 or 12 or so, to ask the parent to step out of the room to discuss issues that they may not want their parents

Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.

I mean, yeah, TI has been telling us that he’s a controlling, piece of shit misogynist for close to a decade. Some of his more tame song lyrics include this gem:

Hell, now that she’s a grown ass adult I’d actively lie to him past the point of logic. “Listen, I have no clue how she’s pregnant, but have you heard to story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth?”

This made me remember back when my dad suspected I was dating he said he could take me to a doctor and he could verify if I was a virgin still, I wasn’t anymore, but I was 16 and I was terrified that he would find out, I just insisted that I was still one and to butt out, thankfully he dropped the topic, but I always

If I’m that doctor, the Hippocratic oath requires me to lie to that fucking creepy-ass, boundary-challenged parent. “Yup. Still there. Like a Capri Sun, fresh out of the carton, up in there.”