
The problem is also that vaginismus occurs for some of these women in the first place because of the intense anxiety they have about sex. This is the anxiety that develops because women are poorly informed and fed a lot of scare tactics about the dangers and sinfulness of sex.

The problem isn’t the dilators themselves-it’s the idea that these women are being told that every woman needs them to prepare before her wedding night which is patently untrue.

That’s fascinating and terrifying. I always forget how privileged I am to have grown up in a super-liberal area (Western WA). We had sex ed three times: 5th, 7th, and 9th grade. I remember in 5th grade getting anatomical print-outs to color in.

As someone who grew up in a overwhelmingly Mormon area, allow me to share anecdotes about the entirety of my formal sexual education. I had a session in health class my junior year devoted to sexual education. I was taught nothing about the formal act itself, on the grounds that the teacher asserted that “we already

Yes but only because she doesn't believe in divorce so... Yeah.

Yeah, this is what happens when people aren’t taught the realities about sex. Is she still married? 

This is both really funny and profoundly sad.

The problem is indicating otherwise healthy women need them to “prepare” their vagina for the “ordeal” of normal heterosexual sex. No, what they need is a male partner who knows how to arouse and satisfy them. Don’t hear anything about Mormon men getting “premarital” exams.

I feel so bad for this person.

The link to condoms means it’s probably to discourage people from using them, so they can make more Mormon babies. 

I also question why they are so on about UTIs. I’m a very UTI prone human being—I have to do a lot to keep from getting them (pee, hydration, pre- and pro-biotics, excess vitamin C, all sorts), have a urologist, all that jazz. But even before I got everything under control, I didn’t get a UTI every time I had sex, nor

I’m sure not. If UTIs are happening, I’m going to guess it’s because two people don’t know which hole does that and someone is constantly banging at the wrong door?

I had a devout Catholic friend who sincerely believed she’d be “rewarded” with fantastic sex if she waited until marriage. We tried to warn her, but her Catholic priest was no match. She told us the on her wedding night she’d be having non-stop orgasms and the next morning they wouldn’t be able to eat breakfast

Or a complete lack of rub, as the case may be.

If you want a real chilling example of the LDS approach to gynecology, when I lived in California years ago there was a large Mormon community not too far away where many of the wives all went to the same LDS OBGYN. They were so ill-informed about what went on in a normal gyno visit and so lacking in fundamental

“...but that should be about exploration and pleasure...”

Mormons are taught that masturbation is EVIL and DIRTY, just like pre-marital sex is EVIL and DIRTY. Somehow they the EVIL, DIRTY, BARELY FORGIVABLE, EQUAL TO MURDER sex becomes magically OK once the right words are said in the right temple. Molly Mormons and Peter Priesthoods are absolutely not prepared

The vagina doesn’t need to be stretched prior to first intercourse -- what it needs is to be excited and lubricated. I’m all for women (and men, and anyone) choosing to have penetrative sex for the first time by themselves with a safe and quality sex toy, but that should be about exploration and pleasure, not some

And lo, the Angel of the Internet did bring forth from the firmament or something.... The Vaginal Dilator!!!

Since they feature UTIs prominently, I wonder if the traditional wedding night includes some traditional butt stuff.