Tatsumaki Jim

But its stacking the deck!

a real pair? if not, that’s cheating.

Look, having a mentally stable populace isn’t going to sell more guns, com’n.

Basically, only if she indeed opened fire on them.  But given additional reports that there was only one gun, a rifle, at the scene and it was in the dad’s possession I am really doubting the police side of the story here.

On the surface it does look like bad decisions by cops.  There are some details in this story that could still flip this whole thing on its head though -- body camera footage will make things more clear.  If they don’t release the footage, I’m going to be even more skeptical of the cops side of the story.

I remember in dying light this detatchment made it so I would discover how powerful a throwing weapon build would be.  It was fantastic.

Deep down, I really fear giving that one take so bad that reddit, twitter and possibly the internet as a whole needs to dunk on me.

This whole thing reeks of “I’m sorry I got caught” not “I’m sorry I broke embargo”

Not sure if history has cemented being “not that smart” as a disqualifying trait for being a senator.

Given that the people who probably pushed most for holding onto the gamestonks stock were probably the people who actually sold, it’s pretty safe to assume the ones pushing for mass unsubs aren’t actually going to unsub.

I’m slightly glad Dying Light 2 helped me build up a little resistance to that nauseating and jarring head movement.

Ok, this dude deserved to be stabbed 30 times, not debating that.

I would have dug it if the modern part was just cinematic and you would narratively jump from character to character instead of being forced to walk around some stupid facility you don’t care about.  I didn’t mind the Desmond storyline, would have been better if I didn’t have to control Desmond.

I’ve never watched her streams but just based on the articles I’ve read, I keep flip flopping between “damn that’s manipulative” and “damn whatever she’s selling is what people think they want”.  Either way she’s doing incredibly well and in control of her future so, you go girl.

After a split second of my brain not processing the Q in PQube, it’s really hard to unsee that in the article going forward.

Sometimes you gotta just leave Shroedinger alone.

The cop had more grounds for arresting them for wearing Crocs with Socks.

I’m on board with that.

Uh, I didn’t imply that sexuality is a choice at all. I was pretty damn open that I respect a person regardless of their sexuality though, and that’s the choice I made.

I agree, I’m not supporting the mod maker, he knew exactly what message he was sending when he put the mod up for distribution. But it’s clear that the mod is something some people want to use in their own personal experience of the game and I’m conflicted about just outright hating them about it.