Tatsumaki Jim

I’m gonna catch a lot of heat for this but here goes. If I can respect a person for their sexuality because who they choose to be with has no bearing on me, why do I have to care that someone is customizing their single player game to not see things they don’t want to in theirs?

She could have scammed them into a lot worse, so this is fine.

Wasn’t that Daredevil’s fault though?

Some of these anti-abortion advocates don’t use their head either so it totally checks out they would fight for the rights of a headless fetus.

I think checking for Bamboo should cost extra.

Just cause something wasn’t meant to be competitive doesn’t mean that it cannot be made competitive. If the Smash competitive scene wants to add those rules to their tournaments it’s totally up to them. It seems fair to me for the tournament organizers to set the conditions on everything leading up to when the fight

Your sacrifice for science will be remembered.

I have the base game on PS4, but would probably wait for a sale or a package with all the DLC to rebuy.

Is she supposed to be buff though? All the depictions I’ve seen is that she’s toned. She’s a superhero with super strength and the thing about super strength that they have a musculature that is unassuming with regards to their strength, otherwise that’s just proportional strength.  

“[Diablo IV] is coming out as a full-price game built strictly for PC and console audiences.”

The saddest part is that the money only hurts Jones, I actually doubt it will repair the suffering these people have endured.

I often don’t really think too much about how much people are suing for, but in this case the punishment needs to fit the crime.  Money is the only thing this guy cares about and money is what he should be punished with cause it’s the only thing that will hurt him.  That said, $150 million is far too lenient a

As a colleague of mine once said, “never underestimate the revenue to be had from stupid people”

Free Speech isn’t free of consequence, why is that so hard for people to get?

Looks like his woes are having trouble being heard over the deafening sounds of people not caring.

I’m not agreeing that it’s fine deal, but if I were given the choice of saving two innocent people at the cost of having one guilty person go free, I’d probably still do it.

Nay, This is Square, we suplex trains here.

But being incredibly wrong gets more clicks...

I can never get over how his resting bitch face looks like the kind of thing you’d get if someone accidentally walked into a really clean pane of glass.

The world shouldn’t be run by people too old to live with the consequences of the decisions they make.