As you requested: Snob
As you requested: Snob
How many reasonably affordable cars are available with RWD and V8’s outside of a dodge dealer? It doesn’t hurt they haul both dirt and ass.
How fucking corrupt do you have to be to get banned by FIFA?! That’s like being too fat for KFC.
Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he won’t stand.
I’m way too happy with my (then)$10 Basics Wallet to ever spend this kinda money on a wallet
I’m way too happy with my (then)$10 Basics Wallet to ever spend this kinda…
Just waiting for them to sign defensive coordinator Greg Hardy (Jerry Sandusky had a scheduling conflict), and the trifecta of awful will be complete.
this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.
It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot
Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.
I’m not for punishing people for recreational drug use. The NFL is dumb to test for marijuana. Everything about this situation is ignorant. But what am I missing here with Josh Gordon?
I like how these assholes mock her being offended....yet I can think of a few choice words which would set their own radars off(and rightly so)...
So, it’s wrong when a cop assumes any African-American is a bad actor, but OK for you to assume that all cops are bad. Hypocrite.
“It was horrible.”
(refs call charging on you even though the brick wall was clearly in the restricted circle)
If they’re looking for an unoccupied space that’s hosted bowls, how about Mark Davis’ head?
This is what happens when you focus too much on RPI and not enough on the sniff test.
Reporter: “Russ, what’s fashion week been like?”
“Can you get a pile of guns?”