
They’re both old guys with bad hair?

They just cite Elizabeth Warren and Jill Stein to convince themselves and whoever’s listening that their Hillary Derangement Syndrome isn’t just sexism. They like the idea of a female president right up until one actually stands a chance of winning.

They’re too dumb to realize they’re dumb.

Why does every celebrity have to have a clothing line now? It’s not like they need the money.

If you don’t like this post, you could simply not click on it, wait for it to load, skim the headline, scroll down, and go to the trouble of posting a comment on it.

Because it’s about the internet.

I just don’t see what the ERA history lesson has to do with equal pay. We’ve passed repeated equal pay laws.

Pete’s Dragon was a Disney movie.

In the grand internet tradition of responding to an indepth post with a barely-relevant comment about one’s own loose relation to the subject matter, I’m somehow related to the Brontes. My maternal grandmother’s family name was Haworth.

As usual the outraged response is massively disproportionate to the original offense.

Even the relatively good tweet-stormers end up repeating themselves on about half their threads’ content.

I agree. A lot of people are arguing that Propane Jane does this a lot too. She does, and I love her, but I have to unfollow or mute her sometimes.

He doesn’t force himself on anybody that I ever heard of. That would be male entitlement, not dating people who are perfectly willing to date you.

I’m in Ohio and I’ve had the AC on the last couple of days.

There was a midterm election soon after An Inconvenient Truth was released. Democrats picked up some seats in the House.

I love the one with the rainbow shower cap.

Weird how his horrible statement that Trayvon Martin’s murder was justified is equated with his morally neutral statement that he feels relief and freedom after getting a vasectomy.

Why is she so pretty?

I like the pants because nobody else likes the pants.

This same asshole tried to stick his head up America Ferrera’s skirt and tried to shove Kim Kardashian to the ground when she was exiting a car. His hilarious pranks seem to mostly involve physically attacking women.