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    I think the reason's why it didn't resonate is because the episode was so ambiguous with it's choices. It could have made strong positions for both racism and quarantine, but chose to go middle of the road instead.

    I'm beginning to think those words mean something distinctly different in the UK and Ramsay's actually cursing relentlessly.

    Do people actually like Irisa's character? I know the show wants me to care about her, but I really don't. And setting up this rift between her and Nolan seems empty since we've almost never seen her show much affection for him.

    Todd, two words for you (or rather two words smushed together as one), TextExpander. I foresee reviews taking half the time or being twice as long because you'll be using fewer keystrokes.

    So, since Act 1 is basically just a recap of Smash up until now, can we assume that Act 2 was what we would have gotten if Smash got another season?

    You can set up a Sean O'Neal notification? Why has nobody posted a tutorial for this magic!?

    I have to agree it's abusive.

    To me he will always be that asshole from Fashionable male.

    I'm glad to see Dog Travis is getting so much work. Although I hope his ego doesn't get too big and he leaves TV for the Movies.

    I actually think his coverage of the most recent Beiber controversy was top notch work. Absolutely my choice for next year's nomination.

    ♫ You're a hotdog but you'd better not try to hurt her, Franco Furter. ♫


    I'm actually more okay with the smaller bits of product placement in episodes than the ones where they try to tie a story to it, mostly because it feels like their making fun of it. Whenever they have a sponsor like AutoTrader or Subway (season 2?) they have a tenancy to just roll their eyes make fun of it.

    Newsflash: Fox now sues any and all companies that sell and distribute plastic dinosaurs.

    I'd just like to say that I love how O'Neal wouldn't lend Todd his "NO" Photoshop file, so what we're left with is a picture that looks like it was made by a serial killer who hates Joss Whedon.

    I think I'll just leave my vote here.

    Although I think wanting a historically accurate depiction of anything from a TV show is expecting too much, I do enjoy being able to drop down to the comments section to read about all the stuff they get wrong. It cuts down on the internet black hole that often sucks me in when trying to fact check one of these shows.

    Awe, Boner, that makes me sad.

    Ugh, she's the worst. I've stopped watching Whedon shows when she's in them.