I laughed so hard at the Bobby monologue! So that's why he says such random things. Bobby's mind is very active.
I laughed so hard at the Bobby monologue! So that's why he says such random things. Bobby's mind is very active.
I feel the grading scale for this should be similar to the one Todd used in Season 1 of AHS. The grades he gave were both fun and just as ridiculous as the show…
I have to agree with @avclub-c027a095f6633553f8f45a0ce00fd45d:disqus here. Patricia's piece lacked the kind of intentionality that I think it need to be praised as much as it did. I appreciate both @avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus and @avclub-37fbc3a475dad8f4729a4825ab147fde:disqus 's reading of the…
Rock over London, Rock on Bethlehem. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: we’re not a cult.
It's seriously my favorite part of the show. It's most gratifying healthy living regimen.
I was wondering the same thing about Chick. I remember it more of him coming to terms with aging.
Actually the moment that got me was when Christa Miller gave that smile at the end of her tear-off sweatpants move. It was so nice to see Elli unselfishly happy!As women I don't think we want men's opinions of us to define who we are, but sometimes it's just nice to have your guy look at you that way.
I have to agree 100% with @Scrawler2:disqus , Amy Acker would have been brilliant in the lead. I just think about her playing Illyria and it hurts me a little that she wasn't Echo.
I feel like Coco is the one keeping that feud going. Alyssa may mention it on and off, but I get the feeling she's so over it that it's become a joke. Coco on the other hand seems to go out of her way to be offended.
I feel the same way, so if that us bad people you'll at least have company.
Am I the only one who want's Peter Dinklage to join the cast?
Nah, I'd rather see a good Socrates Johnson biopic. The scenes where he watches Days of Our Lives with <del>Missy</del> I mean mom, are likely very insightful.
The actor that plays Perd shows up occasionally on some drama also playing a news correspondent (I think it's Scandal?) and it's really distracting. I keep waiting for the punchline, but he joke's one me, it never comes.
Yeah, that's what I don't understand about this. The sites running the content are getting very accurate numbers of both how many people are watching and how many people are clicking on those ads. I'm not sure how Nielsen only tracking Neilson families is somehow more accurate.
I get the feeling O'Neal spends his free time cutting out X-Men so he has them on hand whenever he finds out some news about either the franchise or the actors involved (I can't wait until Hugh Jackman ends up as a newswire headline).
The Andy/Ellie stuff didn't bother me either (not the coupons or the Ambien stuff) because she did give her consent and if she really didn't want to have sex she could just say no… or run away. And let's face it, the way Andy/Ellie are written Andy would be devastated if he thought he forced Ellie to do something she…
Does Sony own the rights to all of the X-Men, or just the ones that have showed up in their films so far? Because the only way I see Disney letting go of any more Marvel properties is prying it from their cold, dead hands.
OMG! I just read this comment like Ru does when she says Ivy Winters! And I just wrote it that way too! Why can't I stop?!
Every season I ask why we can't have Merle back, just as a reprieve from Michelle. To be honest I don't remember anything about her in Season 1, but she was just so much less annoying. I think we have finally found an actually found a smart, informed replacement:
21 Jump Street really was the pinnacle of his career.