I know he's a Michelin star chef. From what I gather it's like the Oscars for restaurants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…. So I guess that means rich people think is food is pretty awesome.
I know he's a Michelin star chef. From what I gather it's like the Oscars for restaurants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…. So I guess that means rich people think is food is pretty awesome.
I know he's a Michelin star chef. From what I gather it's like the Oscars for restaurants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…. So I guess that means rich people think is food is pretty awesome.
Sometimes I think the English must speak a completely different language. Gordon is forever saying things that make we wonder if the words he uses mean something else on the other side of the pond.
Sometimes I think the English must speak a completely different language. Gordon is forever saying things that make we wonder if the words he uses mean something else on the other side of the pond.
I think it may have something to do with how the people who read the book talk about it like it's good literature instead of just porn.
I think it may have something to do with how the people who read the book talk about it like it's good literature instead of just porn.
Most comment sections refresh the page something like 3 times when a comment is submited, so it adds extra page views for that article (and the site overall). The more page views you have the more you can charge for advertising.
Most comment sections refresh the page something like 3 times when a comment is submited, so it adds extra page views for that article (and the site overall). The more page views you have the more you can charge for advertising.
I'd actually love it if HK dropped any remaining pretense that it's a competition show based on merit. In fact I wish it would just completely embrace it's reality show artificiality and was just honest about it's audience manipulation.
I'd actually love it if HK dropped any remaining pretense that it's a competition show based on merit. In fact I wish it would just completely embrace it's reality show artificiality and was just honest about it's audience manipulation.
I love that Gorden never pronounces his name right! Especially since he's the only person named David so there's really no reason to refer to him as David Martin-EZ all of the time. It's like he's doing it on purpose. Oh Gorden, you dick you.
I love that Gorden never pronounces his name right! Especially since he's the only person named David so there's really no reason to refer to him as David Martin-EZ all of the time. It's like he's doing it on purpose. Oh Gorden, you dick you.
Honestly, if you're going to name your kid something stupid the hospital should be required to call child pertective services so they can keep an eye on you.
Honestly, if you're going to name your kid something stupid the hospital should be required to call child pertective services so they can keep an eye on you.
The photo that ruined pictures of Danzig for everyone:
The photo that ruined pictures of Danzig for everyone:
What Brett Baer meant to say was:
What Brett Baer meant to say was:
@avclub-354d2a6c6dc7c81d151228eb1db371c9:disqus I get it. I feel like I'm trolling the Angel theme, but only by accident. I want to say I hate the Firefly theme, but I love/hate the Angel theme so much more and am so many years behind.
@avclub-354d2a6c6dc7c81d151228eb1db371c9:disqus I get it. I feel like I'm trolling the Angel theme, but only by accident. I want to say I hate the Firefly theme, but I love/hate the Angel theme so much more and am so many years behind.