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    Grayson made me want to own a bar just so I could tell people to "please get out of my bar…"

    I just can't do Bones anymore. It's sad, because I liked Angel a whole lot more than Firefly, but I just can't.

    YES! Can this be the show from now on? Actually I'll take a combo of any/all old 80's cop/detective shows.

    I felt the same way until sometime in the middle of season 2 when it became my favorite show. Sorry Community, you drink too little wine in too many Little Richards.

    For about 45 seconds I was impressed by the show. They had one of those douchebag characters that was going to get away with it! I hate those guys! I was impressed that Castle finally made me feel a real emotion for once.

    Fred was always too damsel in distress for me. Sure she grew over the seasons, but I could never enjoy her. Coming from shows that had such a pedigree of strong female characters
    (from Buffy's slayer strength to Cordy's snarky self confidence) Fred
    felt out of place.

    I love this idea! Can we have a reboot? Honestly, I think with Acker in that role it would have given Fox what it wanted (a show that was a different genre adventure each week) and allowed Whedon to work his magic. Why hasn't anyone given her a show yet?

    YES! The voices, the physicality, the strength and vaunerablity of those characters, all of it! Their presence is uniquely Fred or Illyria. I totally credit Acker for how good those two characters are juxtaposed with each other.

    Arguing whose death hurts the most is subjective. It all really comes down to how much you personally have invested in a character. If you connect more to Tara than her death is more devastating, if it's Fred then that's the one that gets you. Joyce was on the show since the beginning, and although she didn't have as

    Amy Acker is amazing. I never noticed it before because I never really liked Fred, but when she became Illyria, wow. I love Illyria, and I credit all of it to Acker.

    Okay, I usually hate kids on sitcoms, but isn't Stan just awesome? I'm actually intrigued about the possibility of the writers making this work if the show went long enough.

    This whole episode is about selfishness to me. Jules, Grayson, Ellie, and Laurie all want to have their cake and eat it too (pun intended).

    It's funny because Busy Phillips is just a naturally curvy girl. But when you look at her next to her costars (not just here, but in everything) she looks gigantic. This season her body's rockin', but her face looks like Skeletor and it's disappointing.

    Fingers in my ears. *La, la, la*

    Was Traci Lords in that one? I have a vague recollection of her being in some old Sci-Fi show that I never could get into.

    @keepcoolbutcare:disqus since I was talking about the visual framing of the scene I thought it was inferred that I was talking about the movie not the novel. 
    Since the girls who where cast were in fact twins and Kubric was using Diane Arbus' famous photo Identical Twins as inspiration I think it's okay to refer to

    This movie with an MST3K commentary track over it would make it the must see movie of 2012!

    Statler and Waldorf vs. Oscar the Grouch knife fight. Who will win?

    @Scrawler2:disqus I'm with you on both your feelings about Buffy the character and OMWF.

    I think Why We Fight has a lot of the same problems as The Girl in Question. Tonally it's asking to you feel conflicting emotions. I always feel  whiplash when I watch them because in one scene there's brilliant comedy! Then the next scene is all emo. Not that this isn't the show's trademark, but for those two