Best 2 minutes of television ever filmed!
Best 2 minutes of television ever filmed!
I have to agree with @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus . Puppet is pretty much the only thing that makes those two episodes similar.
As an embarrassingly huge Buffy fan I have have to agree with both of the Whedon leading ladies mentioned above.
The audience is in danger of that every time he releases a film.
Subway did some product placement last season. The best scene was when Laurie and Andy force Bobby to sell out Penny Can in front of a Subway in Free Fallin'.
The whole Travis plot was worth it just so Jules could jump out and yell "Ghost Dentist!"
According to John Cleese it's one of the funny names, along with Trevor, Brian and Tim.
Evil Dead, especially 2, has a lot of influence on the film. There are specific references like the cabin, the initial premise (kids go to a cabin the woods, horror ensues), and the zombie arm (that last shot of zombie arm is total possessed hand for me), but tonally is where it's most similar.
I actually thought the whole framing of that scene was very The Shining. I'm glad they had something besides the twins, because they're such a cheep reference.
Ethan! Seriously, what happened to that guy? I really expected him to pop up again after they took him away in Season 4, because so many Buffy characters do, but he was never heard from again.
Okay, I'm just going to say it. I hated Pylea. As crazy as Season 4 got Pylea has to be low point of the show for me.
I always felt the first half of the season was just the writing staff trying to get into the groove of the new less serialized format that the network wanted.
I love that Newswire is joke machine. It gives commenters all over the internet hopes that one day they too can paid for writing really long snarky comments about the entertainment blogs in their RSS feed that other people can comment on.
I once had a queen tell me that when they're in drag it's customary to call them "she", when out of drag it's "he". I've seen queens getting ready for a show refer to each other both ways.
Since I have an unhealthy love for Ken Burns documentaries the first half was probably funnier to me than the second half. This may be my favorite episode.
The Quiznos commercial that really takes that cake for being the most bizarre is this one. In fact it's so bad it's good, and it used to creep out my old HR director.
Can you imagine when Harmon drunk dials someone? I feel for the guy, most mornings I wake up and consider deleting my Facebook account because of what I forgot I posted…
Okay, I just watched the most recent episode of Bones, the writing can get worse, much, much, worse.
I'm not a fan of Katic either, but I have to agree, the writing is just getting worse. I wasn't sure what I was watching during this episode.
I have to agree. I know Ru has actually been criticized in the past for her choices, but this season isn't one of them. She's gotten much better at showcasing all sorts of queens, not just the glamazons.