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    So I'm watching the The Dark Crystal now? I really want to hear Blackwell whine "Mhuhhhhh" before every sentence like a good defrocked SkeKsis.

    I felt like the line when they refer to Rebecca as "Buffy the Vampire" was a way of acknowledging how much this episode was influenced by Buffy.

    Well several of the vampires on the show have oddly similar interior decorating tastes that Angel does. One even lives in a Mansion! So they do have that in common.

    Don't forget that whole scene from Cougar Town where Bobby talks about not wanting to sell out to coporate America while standing in front of a Subway!

    I'm all for an unrequited love, or even a complicated love on TV, but this isn't the show for that. From the beginning it has been an a will-they-or-won't-they show with a lot of frivolous fun. It's been catering to fans who enjoy the camp of it all, but less so these days.

    This has gone on so long that any chemistry between these two has pretty much evaporated. I really don't care any more if they get together or not (and I only mildly cared to begin with).

    He's obviously auditioning for his role as Pediphile Ghost No. 2 (RIGHT?! that photo becomes more disconcerting the longer you look at it).

    You just spoiled the plot of season 2!

    Early 1900's bathing suit flatters no one's ass (that is what he's wearing, right? Nobody in their right mind would wear an all white wife beater and tighty boxerbrief combo).

    Anyone else thinking Angel Season 4 right now? That was a pretty terrible season too.

    Thank you! Someone else who didn't feel the Fred love, I thought it was only me. She absolutely is so so much more tolerable this season. And…

    Seriously, that girl has walked into that house enough times to find someone in there that shouldn't be that you'd expect her to have done something by now. And why didn't she have a secret safe installed in the floor to put her revenge box into?

    NCIS is the best background marathon show there is. I actually believe that's the recommended way to "watch" it.

    She totally did! I've been trying to think of a way to describe her performance and the  best I came up with was that it looked like she was about to burst into a giggle fit every time a 40's scene showed up. Embarrassed, however, nails it.

    The reason the historical/cultural references seem so forced is because they're so lazy. It's like someone did a Wikipedia search to make sure whatever it is happened in roughly the same year, read the first paragraph and then threw it into the script.

    I have to agree. The grade on this thing and the review don't match up at all (and yes I know the grades are based on a curve for the show, but come on!). From looking at the grade I would think it's an okay bit of television, but reading the review it sounds like it's a crime against primetime cable scheduling.

    The judging was really the best part of the show. Miss Piggy and Eric Damon host some sort of "reality" show, they had great chemistry.

    Even as a Nazi he was that same character. To him it was just another government job.

    At the start of the episode something made me think, wow, it's been a while since they've killed a probation worker. I like that they're keeping this one around. It makes me kinda sad. Especially since he survived the last time they killed him.

    I'm actually concerned with how the show is going to work down the line. The whole revenge plot is so tightly written I'm not sure how long it can go on for before it becomes stale. Without it the show runs the risk of becoming a little lost and losing the strong core of the show that keeps it from being every other