
Short story of the last time a salesman tried to intimidate us:

I completely agree with you, minus the part about public defenders. My wife is one, and the idea that a private attorney is going to grant you a better defense is ludicrous. She’s one of the top attorneys in our state, and works with many extremely talented attorneys [who might one day go private]. There are likely

If only he hit at least 25 points higher he’d be in the conversation for one of the top players in the MLB. Dude doesn’t strike out [much], but damn if he likes to uppercut flyballs into the outfield.


no please, tell me how you really feel.

chill out dude, maybe watch some wrestling.

Ford Focus...maybe you're just really bad at stereotyping people?

Pot, meet kettle.

I take you as the type of person that complains when all the cars on your drive aren’t hybrids.

Really fun...if you’re playing with friends. Its much harder than previous versions, and frustrating when someone doesn’t know what they’re doing. Its very familiar to previous versions, but still refreshingly new. I wish they offered it as a standalone for those who don’t like COD multiplayer, its a solid game on its

Look up "entertainment" and get back to me when you understand what it is.

Can the Falcons at least get some slack considering their plan backfired?

You're doing circles here. You are stating it is "not wrong" to pirate video games, I am stating that "what is wrong" isn't relevant. It is illegal to pirate video games, and that is not a subjective opinion. You shouldn't pirate video games because it is illegal; accepting that you're fine (or anyone is fine) with

But not subjective. You stated that what is wrong is both. What is illegal is not subjective.

Whether you break the law is irrelevant, the fact remains its illegal. Your stance doesn't change that. You (general statement and not directed at you) deciding to pirate copyright material is your own decision, morally and ethically, but it still remains illegal regardless. I'm not arguing whether or not the laws

Why do people pay to watch the ballet, circus, opera, rap concert, rock concert, magic show, poker tournament, air show, bull riding, comedy show, dog show, car race, car show, improv, jugging act...

What is illegal to me is also illegal to you. What is wrong to anyone is irrelevant.

You mean taking three minutes to write a comment on Kotaku, yeah, not exactly spending my day but whatever, hopefully you went to a top tier law school otherwise get used to asking, "Can I take your order."

haha, just a grad student, look who's talking. I'm probably older than you, so maybe I should be calling you the idiot hipster. Speaking of accomplishing nothing, how's graduate school.

Get over yourself, I'm sorry us younger people took your job, but you just need to accept that and stop blaming our lifestyle choices on the fact that you're behind the times.