
Give it a rest, your sense of entitlement is pathetic. I don't give a shit, see, shit, how long it took them to make their game. That doesn't entitle them to anything. And if the word "shit" offends you so much, grow a pair, the world isn't some squeaky clean Disney film.

Oh stop, this argument gets more tiring every time someone says it. I never met someone that said that exact same and didn't follow it with some anti-woman, anti-minority, pro-conservative BS. You're not "old fashion" you're just ignorant.

You're crazy and old fashioned.

Game of the Year by what standards? There has yet to be a review over 8/10. Most are mediocre to negative.

The value of your home is largely dependent on the land it sits on.

As an occasional woodworker who makes his own furniture...

HamNo does it better.

Little easier when your first best player isn't even in the game and your "second" best player has been a massive letdown.

A gram of gold is worth about $40. Considering the price of the controller is $60, basic math says there is very...very...little gold on this controller.

Yeah yeah, not buying it. I watched the Wire 7-8 years ago and I distinctly remembering it looking like shit and sounding like shit, and I was watching it on my, at the time, shitty HDTV. Playing those DVDs now on my newer TV, I can't imagine how bad it would look. Bring on the HD.

If by grounded you mean "face jail time followed by a civil suit" then yeah, he'll get grounded.

Those cops look like they're at war with the citizens they've sworn to protect.

For a writer on Deadspin you sure get offended by some trivial shit. Maybe you need some Vaseline so you can loosen up a bit.

As a Falcons fan, I'm disappointed that they're keeping Thomas Dimitroff. This idea that a coach is more valuable than the players on the field is asinine. Dimitroff signed the talent, its not Mike Smith's fault that the two DTs they paid $25 million for combined for just two tackles Sunday.

"If I get caught, then I get caught. Maybe I'll end up serving time, or maybe I'll end up helping companies, help them get better I guess."

Its worth noting that the federal government doesn't charge you unless they're 99.9% confident you're guilty. To say that Sharper is going away for a long time is an understatement.

My father-in-law, who flew planes in combat and currently is a pilot for a commercial airline, "Pussies."

"We Need Money"

It felt like a movie trailer and the editing was very well done, but lord the voice acting was atrocious.

Its just like how a cop isn't allowed to rant all over an online message board about releasing Andrew Hawkins when he drops a pass. Who is he to publicly judge a wideouts performance?