
As a man convicted of multiple counts of domestic abuse, telling us that a lot worse happens behind closed doors reallllllllly doesn't bestow a lot of confidence that you aren't beating the crap out of your girlfriends when no one is looking.

I'm betting it will be similar to when they released The Sims on mobile platforms. 95% of the original game's content is removed, or dumbed down, and you're left with a hallow game that is barely recognizable to the PC version. You could "finish" playing the game in an hour or two accomplishing the entirety of what

I'm also imagining a building that has all of its mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems catastrophically fail because the building changes shape.

They looks so pret...damn it, $320, well that ain't gonna happen.

Your comment doesn't make any sense. I don't understand how you can compare Ray Rice to Hitler to begin with. Second, he's been indefinitely suspended from the league, he's not allowed to play on any NFL team, as of this moment, forever again. Third, your assumption that he is going separate from his wife has no

My wife is a criminal defense attorney, after she saw the video she was surprised he wasn't charged with a more serious crime. She's had to go to trial with significantly less evidence, with or without the victim's support.

But King wasn't the only one that reported that the NFL has seen the video right? The police had to have seen the video, and they didn't think charges were necessary. This was a major coverup attempt by the NFL not to protect Ray Rice, but to protect its own image. They didn't want it to come out that one of their

The NFL saw this video, they just hoped we would never see it. End of story. End of Goodell.

You say that, but it isn't that hard to find a 1000 yard rusher nowadays. Heck, some teams are picking up injured guys, like SF, just to see if they turn out to be any good when healed. But yeah, had Rice been a DE, I can see some teams playing the, "He's a changed man." approach.

Odds Goodell survives this? I'm saying its pretty low. The worst part for him, we have Monday Night Football tonight, analysts galore, who aren't going to be able to avoid the elephant in the room. Most of them are puppets for the NFL, but I'm betting all of them aren't willing to take the bullet for Goodell and

I said it before, and I'll say it again, if Goodell saw this tape before handing Rice a two game suspension than he needs to be dismissed from his position at the NFL. If any member of the Ravens ownership, coaching team saw this video before siding with Rice, they need to be dismissed from the team.

Roger Goddell needs to resign. Plain and simple.

Some of you people are taking this WAY too seriously. Reality check, Microsoft, Sony, and Activision don't give a damn about the feelings of Microsoft, Sony, or Activision. Activision's head brass didn't wake up this morning, see this ad, and think, "That was mean." No, they looked at their sales numbers, the

Why? Microsoft is paying them a ton of money to have that exclusivity. You think Microsoft, Sony, or Activision cares about anything other than making as much money as possible?

Fun fact about windows, speaking as someone who is a general contractor, the easiest way to get through one is just to remove the window itself. Get yourself a cordless oscillating multi-tool, a small crowbar, and a hammer, and you can remove a window in probably two, three minutes. I've replaced numerous windows

an asshole who's gotten on multiple coach's nerve for costly personal fouls that have cost the team games.

How do you account for the four previous teams (two college, two NFL) that released him prior to Miami for anger and disciplinary reasons?

The Rams already kicked him off the team once.

Why not, I mean, only three NFL teams, and two college teams, have dismissed him from the team. What are the odds it happens again?

And yet the ALS Association has received a record amount of donations.