
Dude, I lived in Atlanta for ten years, hated the city. But even I know the stadiums and structures they built are all still in use or repurposed. If you're going to insult something at least be smart enough to know what you're talking about.

You know, its one thing to take down your online friend's webpage because he made a dick comment about you on a forum thread. It's another thing to take down a multi-billion dollar company's servers to flex your muscles. Having gone to a school with a law program, and as a result am lifelong friends with many

Umm, funding what? Last I checked wasn't Officer Wilson on paid leave? He doesn't have need financial support anymore than he needed before he killed Michael Brown; furthermore, he hasn't been charged with anything so he doesn't need legal help.

Fun fact, not eating a cupcake will cause you to lose weight, going to the gym likely has little to no effect on weight loss. Sugar and carbs, bad, treadmills, not doing much.

haha, there's always that one, what a dork.

So I'm assuming your goal was to give us all seizures tonight? My head hurt just quickly scrolling past that.

Out of curiosity, wouldn't this look bad on an HDTV? I have a large HDTV and whenever I accidentally switch to a SD channel it looks horrendous. I don't know the answer here, I'm more curious if it would be an issue.

It must hurt to smile.

How hardcore is it? I'm the type of person who likes exploring traffic issues, financing problems, utility management. I'm also the type of person who likes the hyper-realistic approach; particularly, when the video above showed the winding roads over the water my eyes rolled. I've been looking for another sim game

His comments on Robin Williams were very touching. I don't agree with his politics, but I do think he's softened on the extremism a bit in recent years.

Sean Hannity is the Two and a Half Men of cable news; you know people watch him, but no one is bold enough to admit it.

If you're right, and I don't know much about the entire situation, these guys would be in deep, deep shit. Maybe that was the problem; they figured they could scam a few people and make some good money to spend on a few luxuries. You scam $500,000 and you're looking into a major FBI shakedown and serious federal

Scam a half a million dollars out of the American public and you'll get a not-so-nice knock on your door by the FBI.

I just told you the facts: we had a drought, the media told us to wait it out, and it ended. Clearly you need to learn to read better.

The artist is definitely talented at drawing, but these are terrible in my honest opinion. Incredibly generic and lacking any originality.

Whatever dude, chastising me for being childish is the height of irony given the show you enjoy watching. Go ahead and continue living in your dream world where society doesn't think you're weird, by all means, ignorance is bliss. I'm tired of dealing with your broken record argument, go enjoy your show made for

Again, bull, if you change out My Little Pony for any other show specifically created for girls aged two through eleven you'd realize how poor your argument would be. If you watched Dora The Explorer, collected Dora the Explorer toys, and attended Dora the Explorer conventions everyone would think you were off. Just

Its amazing how far removed from reality you are. I give up, watch your tv show intended for preteen girls aged two through eleven about animated ponies on the network formally known as Discovery Kids. Seriously, even Hasbro thinks you're weird, but whatever, I'm sure you have your office cube decked out with

Stop it, just stop it, I know you're trying hard, but its moot. When 99% of people outside of your circle think its weird, getting 8500 people together doesn't change things. The fact that you're defending yourself, even though "you're not even that big of a fan", proves my point that you realize how on the fringe

Sorry, not buying it. The vast majority of people think grown men liking a television show aimed at preteen girls is weird. That's the way society works, sorry bud. You don't get a say in what is and isn't weird, society as a whole does. There is a reason MLP fans get mocked all over the internet, and just because