Everything > Slashies
Everything > Slashies
Tennis DUAN
I thought that Pugilism was the unofficial fan club for American Gladiators?
All of my gifts this year were in appropriately sized boxes. Boxing is dead in this country.
Carmelo Anthony does not like passing the ball very much.
What if they brought back Crystal Pepsi? Think about that for a moment.
I think that guy who finished in 3rd is probably incredibly handsome. Don't you think?
I'm familiar with that video. But Dru Downs was once ... something. Which makes that clip so, so sad.
I'm downing shots of Tabasco mixed with sadness to help wash down this taco 12-pack. WHICH DID NOT HELP ME GET INVITED TO A PARTY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Maybe I should have tried the KFC wings instead.
Sad Hip-Hop thread.
This game is for very few if not none of the Tostitos.
Can't you just visit a different area of Florida? Like, if you live in the Old Person section of the state you could always try the Deadbeat Dad portion. Or if you live in Meth Valley you could check out Stripperville.
Wait, what about Tebow now?
Men, duh! What, are you not a man? Because those commercials clearly state that manly men like the taste of Dr. Pepper.
sadly, you just explained every single day of my life.
This one's not really dirty and has been done a million times I'm but I stole second base in a Babe Ruth game after a walk while the pitcher cried to his dad/coach about the strike zone. I can't remember if they let me stay at second or not but I remember beating the throw and causing the little crybaby to complain…
Question: Why is Jim Schwartz such a tool?
It is kind of weird to see the hot lesbian, vampire killing cop from Death Valley on the office setting version of those commercials.
yur state is stuped!
It is safe to say that everyone in America wants this dude to crash, right?