


@Phintastic: Can I call you stupid? I just did. Four Loko makes everything so clear. Yum!

I freestyled a meatloaf tonight without my usual soup-mix parachute. I knocked that fucker right out of the park. Onion powder is literally bowing down to me as we speak. Garlic is my bitch.

@Phintastic: Is that what you want to hear? I'm on my second can of Four Loko. (This is after 10ish beers) I'm all in buddy. I wish I knew how to call the birds in. That seems like a useful skill.

@Phintastic: The amount of stupidy I've endured in my life from someones so much less convincing is astounding. But yes, vegetarians are fucking terrible.

@Phintastic: I'm glad that sanity was restored.

@Bevraj of Choice: That is your pic if you don't mind me saying. No reason to stray from a classic.

@Desi_Relaford: When I was a kid my Mom had a shaker in the cupboards mixed with cinnamon and sugar for us kids to make cinnamon toast. She also had an identical shaker pre-mixed with spices for her baked chicken. I mixed them up a few times. It was fucking nasty. Thankfully she was too good a cook to do the same.

@Walk Off HBP: @Now imma throw my: These are figurative stains my friends. Figurative stains. And sort of literal as I think piss stains do fade with time.

@SavetoFavorites: Don't get me wrong. I'm not from Chicago. In fact, I hate Chicago in every possible way except for their food. Their kosher dogs, Italian sausage, Italian beef, gyros are like fruit from the fat gods. Even their philly might be better than a philly actually from Philly.

@gulag: Wow, that is hilarious. It's exactly how I was imagining it would be on Deadspin as well. I'm so tempted to follow that but I can't. People might think I'm insensitive.

@Walk Off HBP: I tried finding a picture but Gold Coast Dogs in Chicago has a sign that reads, NC-17.

@All Over But The Sharting: I think it was more Indian tacos and frybread and other deep fried foods. I was semi-joking before because I actually know the sister of the woman who owned that place. I never got around to eating there though. I only live a few miles from a res.