
Hi! I run a medium-ish non-profit. The problem with asking for raises is that the budget it already set. We set our budget for the 2017/2018 budget is September of 2016. So if an employee of mine wants to be successful in asking for a raise they really need to time it right, before the budget is set for the following

It’s the joy of low expectations, if it’s anything other than vinegar I’ll be delighted!

Wine is for enjoyment, not pretentious posturing.

We were just rebuilding our pantry and found a bottle of Riunite Lambrusco that must be at least 10 years old. I didn’t even know what it was. I’ve been threatening to bring it to a social event and open it, only to receive groans from my wife and a good friend with whom we drink a lot of wine. Now I know to do it

Everyone will take something different away from a film like this.

Delete your account, troll.

If it’s the victim’s fault it can’t happen to YOU, right? Because you’d do something different. You’d be smarter. Bless you... I really hope you’re never in this situation.

leave and pay for an unfinished service while you were harassed? uh ok sounds great

Ms Meyers

Dude I was jealous of mySELF. She was also my young childhood hero. To this day I’m so peeved that I played it cool and did not get a book autographed. What the fuck, young honk.

I’m not an especially emotional person (my wife has called me dead inside), however I have teared up multiple times reading these stories, maybe it’s because I’m a father to two young girls. Nonetheless I jusr wanted to comment on the strength and courage it took for all these women and girls to make their voices

Hannah, you might be interested in doing a piece after this one about the Trump admin removing endangered species protected status from the Canada Lynx, which is predicted to be extinct by 2100 without intervention.

This should be required reading, especially the part where he made his victims think that their parents approved. Every grooming and mindgaming technique this trash pile used should be under harsh lights.

This was beautifully written. Thank you for insisting on these women and girls being heard. Thank you for the Nina Simone video. Thank you for keeping this story front and center.

Shit, I’d rather have the spineless mayor as president.

Yes! I know that every single day, Trump does something that undermines all sense of reason and reality in our world, and it casts statements like these as just weird quirks among his other monstrous characteristics. But...wanting all sharks to die is a REALLY FUCKED UP POSITION. I mean, who even has that thought?

Trump wants to present to the world as the most alpha guy around, but he’s deeply insecure. When he sees a real apex predator like a shark, it reminds him of all of his many inadequacies so he lashes out.

Of course he wants them to die: how’s he ever gonna repay those loans?

Here lies the body of Mary Lee; died at the age of a hundred and three. For fifteen years she kept her virginity; then I grabbed her by the pussy.  

Lol, so similar, but for all the ingredients except cheese. Yours also sounds tasty though. Could you also do it w/ broccoli?