
...after he was already fumbling and stammering. You know that actors are actually just people, right?

She... didn’t. Did you watch the video? She asked “real quick, Time’s Up on what?”

But the reporter didn’t ask him about his views on sexual assault. She asked a clumsily-worded question about the brand new hashtag, and he gave a clumsily-worded response. If she had asked “#MeToo means blank” or “what are your feelings about the current charges of sexual assault surrounding so many of your peers,”

Laughing forever at anyone thinking it’d be totally cool to just “bring a dish to share” to a dinner with Contessa Passi de Preposulo. Or better yet, just whipping a banana out of her bag. C’mon. You may dislike the actress for other reasons, but this isn’t anything like visiting your uni bf’s family over winter break

so exciting!!

Funny how *that* is what you think this thread is about. But by all means, keep talking and proving the “incapable of sitting back and shutting up” point.

This is completely inappropriate, and a really good example of how the men in this forum (and particularly this thread) just have to have the last word.

Seconding Emmer and collierLA: the first is a (really nice!)pintucked cotton, while the second appears to be a waffle knit.

The incredible overreaction of Captain Fuckstick here has me literally cackling, and I’m glad you were a part of it, friend.

I’d agree, but I’d also make the argument that a relationship w a 20+ year age gap when the younger person isn’t out of their twenties is inherently unbalanced wrt power. The life experience difference between 35 and 60 is negligible; the difference between 25 and 50 is far greater.

Did you even read the article? Honeybees are not at risk, because every other shmuck on the block now thinks it’s a great idea to have a backyard apiary. Solitary bees, bumblebees-in addition to other types of pollinators-are the ones who are vulnerable, and also do a great deal of the heavy-lifting when it comes to

As a person of Mediterranean descent whose is only 2 generations removed from her relatives who came over on a boat, I can attest that “whiteness” is completely arbitrary. I’ve definitely been treated as “less white” by WASPS (as recently as this Christmas!) and therefore lesser. Americans of Greek and Italian descent

Samsies. I weigh the pros and cons every day: buy ASAP before he fucks the whole economy, housing market included? Or spend my down payment money on a backyard bunker? Or go to work for the bunker company, since it’ll be the only viable industry in our pre-war fucked economy?

***Actual photo of Chip & the Missus

You need to repost this as you own comment, because it’s getting buried in a reply thread and it deserves ALL the stars!

This sounds like the worst game of capture the flag/horror movie ever. Also, hiding in an abandoned town in a remote area sounds like a fine way to get your ass axe murdered.

I thought it was “Come at me, Crow”