
Why aren’t you specifically purchasing bulkhead seating when you “tell them about my ESA and mention that they end up putting me in the bulkhead seats.” Because as others have pointed out, bulkheads seating usually costs more, and gets reserved quickly. If you’re not specifically saying “I need to purchase bulkhead

Nope, sorry. I think the data in the article was really interesting, and could have been presented in a more distinct way. Using a fur vest as her beacon of assholishiness, when the vest is pedestrian enough that one of those sad poors could actually afford it? The thrift-store-quirky-girl is just as much of a uniform

...except the author didn’t say “coveting a fur vest makes you an asshole.” She basically said wearing one does.

I am with this guy—super nice gas station bathrooms thrill me. There's a BP station midway between Cleveland and Columbus, OH...not as next level as the the men's room in the post, but seriously nice. Clinically clean. Fresh smelling. Each stall has a personal sink and hand dryer. The family bathroom's toilets have


I was hoping someone had posted a pic of this ACTUAL sexy lumberjack...

In all honesty, a lot of the "pregnancy symptoms" you've described are very similar to what I experience...before/during my period. 9 days isn't a huge amt of time to be late. I'd give it another week before you worry, and the hit up your local PP for a test.

I had to check the date on this posting—twice—before I replied, to make sure it wasn't from like, July 2010. The baristas at my Starbucks have been flouting these rules on a daily basis for ages—my favorite has a fire engine-red pixie cut, and has full sleeves. I don't think any of them wear jewelry, but the entire

I am not-so-secretly hoping that both you and Chimica were on the "music of the night" mailing list run by Ladyghost and that we sent each other Christmas cards. #phan4lyfe

...are you suuuure?

I'm glad to hear that worked for you! I responded to a similar question upthread-I'm not engaging with the unknown. If you had a good gut feeling about your good spirits, awesome. I don't have the same warm fuzzies in my house, and I've never met a person that roared, so...nope. Acknowledgement can also open a door to

I'm glad you've decided to join the conversation!

In the past few days, I've heard stuff moving around upstairs when I was alone in the house, and a plant in my kitchen was tossed off the window 3 feet into the center of the room. Zoul is a JERK.

A friend just asked me this today! I was telling her about the sounds the other morning when I was home—the first time I've heard things in the daytime, btw—but I do NOT want to engage with something when I don't know what it is, you know? Like, it is my *sincerest* hope that I've got a cantankerous former home owner

You know what's scarier than my poltergeist? Being a MP grey! Greeeeeyyy, OOOoooOOO!!!

I've briefly mentioned my house on GT before, but here's the whole story! I've lived in my current house for several years, and have always felt the "not quite alone" sensation the whole time I've been here, pretty much from day one. I remember the very first night I spent in the house, I was sitting at my

...and I'm already sad because the Greyjoy bottle doesn't have a kraken. Not even a squid?!

I bought the Ommegang "Fire & Blood" ale—all three bottles! And I don't like ale!—so I will absofuckinglutely be buying this. Like, in embarrassingly large quantities.

Yikes, haven't used this since I had super short hair & didn't realize it was discontinued! First time I used it, I didn't realize its strength & sprayed in waaaay too much—it was like Elmer's glue until I figured it out, then *perfect* volume & texture. Guess I shouldn't throw out the full bottle in my bathroom