An orgasm induced by running :)
An orgasm induced by running :)
If you're excited to run now, just wait until you get your first Runner's O!
Fresh-picked raspberries don't pair well with Lyme. #MinnesotanProblems.
Let's not forget the two cans of tear gas the shooter let loose before he started shooting, too. So, by Gohmert's logic, more people need gas masks. Gas masks for everyone!
That's what I thought, but all these activist judges have me so confused!
So, it's totally wrong for the government to regulate what insurance coverage businesses that have religious affiliations can offer their employees, but it's totally ok for the businesses that have religious affiliations to tell their employees what medications and procedures they may choose to get? I see. Life makes…
The fact that he uses "the poor pitiful women that..." rather than who is especially telling. WHO'S THE PERSON, HERE?
Shh. Peeta is real.
Fer the loff off Cott it's sOW-nah.
Tsk tsk. Someone hasn't seen Boondock Saints II. Those rosaries aren't just fashion statements, dudebrah.
Marriage makes bureaucracy easier. Tracking live-in significant others and children from multiple parents and whose income is considered for whom is a godawful nightmare.
Thank you! The zoo was flooded and they found the seal several blocks away.
Cloudy grey?
I live north of Duluth, but so many of my friends and family still live in town! My aunt and uncle's basement had three feet of water, and my cousin lost an atv.
One boy got sucked through a culvert, but he popped out a mile away with a only few cuts on his head.