61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Is it not enough just to hate on Cosmo for being bad? Morals have nothing to do with it; the mag is just sucky. Ooh! I said a bad word.

Heh, my uncle was almost arrested for working in his garden before the sun came up. The cops thought he was trying to break in.

No! Not another reboot! No more! ...unless they cast a real redhead as Anne. Oh heck, this will probably be the reason I get TV again.

You need to watch Bernstein's 9th in Berlin right after the wall fell. The baritone changed 'Freude' to 'Freiheit!'

Setting aside the imperfect measurements for a moment, it's terribly disingenuous to equate 'fat' with 'obese.' She is not trying to throw healthy-but-fat kids into stavation camps. She's trying to eliminate a condition that is dangerous to kids' health. It is unethical to not do something about it.

No, you're one of the honest 10%.

Great minds, and all...but get out of my head! Ha!

That wasn't in The King's Speech!

Don't you mean incorgibility?

That's especially true when you take into account how conservative the majority of newspapers are.

Are we celebrating April Fools on the first of every month now?

I call Bullshit.

If this takes place in South Dakota, there's already a law for that. Oh, wait.

Do you need to borrow a lighter?

In Finnish folklore, Santa came around demanding presents and would beat the kids who misbehaved. Sort of like the St. Nick/Krampus dichotomy, but without the benevolent St. Nick. They just had Krampus.

I feel disqualified, though, since I nommed your brilliant comment! *Wibbles*

The one I'm thinking was featured in Elle Design (I found out about seven months after I'd first pinned it, by accident really) but the link was so old that the seller no longer carried it. But that one in Fab is wonderful, too. Thank you!

Unless you're considering paying for a surrogacy, it's still not your decision. Pregnancy isn't just 9 months and you're done; it's painful, it's stressful, and it can be downright dangerous.

Honestly, it's frustrating when you've found a pin of a gorgeous such-and-such thing only to have it linked to another article extolling the beauty of such-and-such. (Map of the constellations of the northern hemisphere, I'm looking at you. Let me buy you!)

Hmm. I think that might be someone's wedding night.