How many people can we get to line up the day before, though?
How many people can we get to line up the day before, though?
I'm a Catholic who used to be rabidly pro-life, when I bought the line that it was about saaaving baaabies from their sinning whore-mothers. Not any more. The UN-Christian attitudes and behaviors of most self-proclaimed Christians saddens me.
I dare you to google Powassans and not get the creepy ticks-be-crawlin feeling.
Be especially careful about peeing in public, because that will get you listed on the sex offender registry in some places.
No kidding. If they really wanted to market pretty dress up bits, what about her hair, huh? What if I just want her hair!?
Oh my goodness, for the longest moment I thought that the tennis players were arm-linked like the covershot but the editors had photoshopped all the bones out of their arms. Uncanny valley!
Hey now, no infringing on the Republicans' trademarked slogan!
As a person who loved My Side of the Mountain and Animorphs as a kid, I just want to say that you're currently my favorite person ever.
Yes! I love love love how she really went all out in the Bloodhound series. So many little known meanings. You can get away with saying the dirtiest things!
Books are a great source for creative cursing. 'Odd's bobs' was one of my favorites, at least until I learned it was a derivation of 'Odin's bits.'
Oh good, I'm not the only one!
Aww, cut them some slack; they were just handing out free preememptive abortions!
Jezzies. Jezzies. I am one degree from Chris Hemingsworth's arm around my waist. Wait, it doesn't work like that? #LaLaLALALA
I identified so strongly with Jane Eyre, Daine the Wildmage, and Sam Gribley from My Side of the Mountain that I shouldn't have been surprised that I turned into a feminist hermit who married an older man whose nickname is Professor. And yes, I do lose my shit whenever I see a peregrine falcon.
My word those manikins are posing provocatively. #PearlClutchingOlympics
No. fucking. shit.