61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

My grandparents went to school with Bob Dylan, and my gram's impression of "Bobby Die-lan's" talent show performance never fails to crack me up. She pounds an air piano and just wails.

Dear Miss Palin:

It's so obvious it's disconcerting...

The museum's response was correct, though. Why are they protesting LACMA instead of using the public space to protest the public's problem with breastfeeding?

How dare you do everything everyone told you to do right? You lazy bum. ...Yuck, that sarcasm left a bad taste in my mouth.

Exactly. Every problem cited could also be thrown back at the companies. Parents wouldn't have to write their kids checks if this generation wasn't so underemployed and underpaid.

With such an entitled, enlightened attitude as yours, it's a real wonder that you're still on the market. Sweet Spaghetti Monster help your 'clients.' That is seriously some of the most unhealthy attitudes I've heard about 'health' and weight that I've heard off of the Pinterest boards.

I'm only laughing because the repeating rows of new, fancy houses summed up the mentality of St. Cloud perfectly.

Both the mr. and I are ENTP (the Inventor), which makes tinkering around in the shop together all the more productive. We even have similar handwriting.

Oh fer the loff off Gott. You're upset over the 'busy intersection' dig? Please. The only traffic jams we have are in the parking lot after the hockey game.

That was smacked down in court! *Happydance*

I occasionally hear screams in the woods. I know it's a mountain lion, but part of me always wonders if it's a person getting eaten by a mountain lion.

Oh I'm a devout Granger/Snape shipper, but I found my way there via Tamora Pierce fanfic. Of all the smutty, smutty fics though, I'd have to say that For the Potions Master's Amusement is my favorite.

Asti and smutty fanficion, preferably combined.

Woohoo congrats!!

Where are the nipples, though?

If they're banning politcal messages from school property, i.e. bumper stickers on cars in the parking lot, then the teachers should refuse to use the parking lot. Yes, walking an extra few blocks in subzero temps is no treat, but if the school is in a residential area, then the general public will get inconvenienced.

Psh. What a rip off. Where are you supposed to put your katana?

One of the rah-rah speakers that my youth group hired actually argued that not using birth control was freeing because if we were on the pill, our husbands would have sex with us all the time. At the time, I was offended by the implication that I wasn't a sexual creature in my own right. (Who wouldn't want to have sex

I love my pack of wolves. They keep the deer out of my garden.