61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

I do believe that Poe's Law deserves a Nobel Prize by now.

So, we need to watch an abortion* first? Ok!

I just got dizzy reading this.

I'm slightly disappointed with Santorum. He is and always will be Mousse.

I have to laugh a little about everyone worrying about Kristen Stewart playing the lead... Please! As if anyone besides Charlize is going to be The Star of this film. Well, Charlize and Thor's biceps. Yep. And there is nothing wrong with that.

To be honest, I can't tell if my runners'-O is because of the rhythmic pounding and leg rubbing, or if I really do have a music fetish and get off on the high notes of Beethoven's 9th.

Your one of them muckrakin' liberal 'journalist' types, aren't you?

I have the same problem, argh. You have to find the right boards and follow them, because the Everything>>Fitness is just appalling. Let's spam the boards with zombie apocalypse training programs, pictures of mountain bikers careening down boardwalks, and mud-runs!

My only advice to her is to never, ever wear wire-framed glasses while jumping. Never.

File that under 'Too obvious to be obvious' and sing it from the roof tops!

No, do tell. You claim that Obama is responsible for this 'debt crisis,' but when someone pointed out that the Bush-era fiscal policies actually turned a budgetary surplus into a gaping deficit, you tried to argue null argument because Bush 'isn't in this election.' Who is up for election now has nothing to do with

I wasn't aware that Bush had a seperate national checking account. Where else was he charging the bills for the War on Terror? Did he put Shock and Awe on his Platinum Illuminati FlexPerks card? If you do not believe that Bush's irresponsible fiscal policies are directly to blame for the current 'debt crisis,' please

Dear Christian People:

Yes, you're right, let's not forget 'and swarmed under a seething mass of children, all whining "Mommy! Mommy!" while the dishes pile up and the washing machine starts rocking and the smoke rises from the stove top' ...oh sweet Jeeesus I need to go sit in some quiet corner now.

That's why they're trying to hard to shove us back into the kitchen, too busy/poor/and exhausted to do anything about it.

I had just finished Wild Magic right before my troop went horseback riding, and oh my word, it was the highlight of my childhood!

I'm convinced that conservatives have no sense of irony and are completely sarcasm-deaf, so I'm sure they view the Onion as a play-by-play guidebook.

So...what you're saying is that misogyny is institutional, right? And that you want it to stop, right? Welcome, Ms. Malkin! Here's your Feminist Card!

Make your location visible and find/prepare shelter. Follow tracks to find a game trail. Use a shoe lace to build a snare. Go back to your shelter and find the way to stay warm. If there's deep enough snow, build a snow cave. Try to avoid getting damp! If it's early/late enough in the year, you might be able to find

Heh, I got it. I liked it. I just needed to be more clear when I used 'you' that I was speaking to the hypothetical self-sanctimonious jerkwads of the world.