61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

To answer your original question, there's a big difference between forbidding a sinner from going up to receive Communion and a minister refusing to give it out. Eucharistic Ministers are not supposed to exercise any judgement.

As a Eucharistic Minister, I am very upset that you've conflated the prohibition of receiving Communion while living in mortal sin. The onus is on the person who approaches the altar, reaches out his or her hand, and accepts that this, this is God incarnate. Whether or not that person desecrates the sacrament is up to

Well, back in the day, they kicked out everyone who wasn't confirmed after the homily. It'd make the beat-the-traffic-jam rush that much easier to avoid!

What this priest did just makes me livid. Yes, Catholics hold that it's a sin to accept the host when someone's living in sin, but it is not the minister's job to enforce that. That's between the sinner and God. Denying someone else communion is one of the worst things someone can do, in my mind. Hypothetical

Here's one of my rescue dogs. Some idiots who happen to be related to us decided that a purebred dog would save their marriage (mortgage payments be damned). After finding him, still a puppy, tied to a four foot chain outside in freezing rain in October while my now ex-relative was passed out inside, we took him. We

This is my rescue cat. She is the most loving cat I've ever met. If I'm sitting, she's on my lap. When I come home, she comes running into the room, mayor-ing. She doesn't meow, she mayor-s, and she's a fair approximation of a hockey siren. She and her kittens were living in an abandoned house before she was brought

Does that hold true across languages, or is that an internalization of masculine/feminine framed linguistics?

"No Sulfa drugs, please."

I can't load the video here, so I don't know the girl in the still's story, but I just want to hug her around the shoulders and take her paintballing. She looks so sad, she's stunning.

This is your Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power. Also, "Prior to

How does this fit into the Undue Burden law? I mean, it's one thing to allow conscientious objection if there's a different pharmacist working who's willing, or if there's another drug store near by, but what if you're the only pharmacist working overnights in a hospital? What if you're refused by the only pharmacy

I'm willing to concede that some of these anti-choicers legitimately believe that they're bravely defending life. I get that. I used to buy into that propaganda too. So the next time the church hosts that 40 Days for Life protest-athon, I want to canvass the crowd with a Donors' List sign up sheet. You want to save

There's an infuriating pro-life billboard on my way to work that says 'Daddy's little gift' over a happy dad holding a baby. Tie that up in a ribbon and bow... I just want to hit it with a paintball gun.

So excited! So excited—*record scratch* ...what do you mean 'It's not Harry Potter'?

That sounds like an unaffiliated yarnbomber (an awesome unaffiliated yarnbomber, mind) but not an actual FLOCK drive.

Precious Jesus forbid that they ever try to fund raise by selling brownies. Not just brownies, mind you, but little doll brownies and little girl Brownies, too.

She was a secret USSR agent, but during the Afghanistan conflict, she was captured by the US-funded freedom fighters. While imprisoned, she used her youthful wiles to twist their noble mission into that of the Talban's, setting the stage for the eventual destruction of America!

There's always 4-H, but for all I know that might just be a Minnesotan thing.

Not only did we not learn how to tie knots, start fires, or build race cars, we weren't allowed to train as little lesbian shitasses, either! I'm so upset!

I was just going to warn you to watch out for the yarnbombers, but a baker beat me to it! Also worth noting, knitters have FLOCK, which distributes charitably knitted items like baby blankets, stuck-in-a-cast toe socks/finger mittens, and hats for cancer patients.