61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

No using logic, now!

"No objections were made to moving forward." You know, she probably didn't think anyone would object, because she lives within the right-wing echo chamber. And, admittedly, the anti-choice block has been so vocal in recent years that she probably thought defunding Planned Parenthood would get lauded.

This morning my priest compared this new law to living under communist Russia. I rolled my eyes so hard I almost fell over.

Traditionally, the Church associated Mary Magdalene with the adulterous woman Jesus saved from death by stoning. They backed off that association within the last few decades. She was officially exonerated, as it were.

I don't have Internet access for my home computer; I just have my tiny-screened, temperamental smartphone. Since we're moving this spring, I've been copy/pasting interior design pictures and links from my work computer into Evernote so I can show these ideas to Mr.61Below when we get home. Unfortunately, Evernote is

I have to say, this chart significantly undermines the amount of happiness that warm, fluffy socks are able to muster.

Hm, maybe I should reconsider my plan to start throwing tennis balls at my kids as soon as they can walk, and use ping pong balls instead. You gotta start training those future NHL goalies young!

Sheer stubborn bloody-mindedness, unfortunately. I removed all sweet things from my house (my husband thoughtfully ate them all for me, the jerk) and I'm lucky enough to not have a vending machine at work. I did crunch on some almonds the first few days, but I hate almonds. Good luck!

Cutting sugar from my diet was awful. I had cravings worse than any pms-chocolate-need for over a week, but then I adjusted. I feel so much better now, but when I cheat and have something sweet (Shamrock Shake, I'm looking at you) it tastes too sweet, and I feel gross and almost sick after.

Pam is not amused.

...omg wtf?

This too. Ugh.

16 year ago today, it was so cold that the official thermometer here froze. Another (unverified) thermometer read -64F, but as it stands, the official record was set at -60F. Today it's in the 40's.

A travesty. She is holding a travesty.

I give you Casually Pinkwashing Everything (Except Those Loose Women) Handel.

For the love of all that is good in this world, someone do this!

It's hard to think you're some precious little shit when you've been taking saunas...naked group saunas...with everyone on a regular basis. Tossing eucalyptus water on the rocks sucks all the self-centered snottiness out of 'em.

Planned Parenthood reported that the money from Komen allowed their health centers to provide almost 170,000 breast exams and over 6,400 referrals for mammograms to women who would be otherwise unable to afford them. If they cut those funds in order to redirect PP funds away from abortions, they'd rather women go

Whenever I stub my toe, get a horrific splinter, or generally yelp in pain and start hobbling, my Weim will come running. He's tall enough to serve as a balance crutch, and once I'm 'safe' he gets extra cuddly, like I'm here, we'll make it through this together. My cat just hides behind the throw blanket and attacks

When I bemoan the fact that clothes aren't made like they used to be and that my pants from 8th grade finally wore out, people don't hear twelve year old jeans?! they yell, "You still fit in your 8th grade jeans?!" Dude! What's the takeaway here?