61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

I'm so excited because today I was finally able to buy Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting. My gram picked out some gorgeous yarn [www.threeirishgirls.com] so I was able to start making her a hat. (She has no hat. I found this out when we were watching an outdoor hockey tournament today. This is a travesty.) Oh my lord,

Wait, wait, wait... "Motrin can make your skin fall off."

Dododo, I'm so happy to be a hermit living in the middle of nowhe— University of Wisconsin–Madison PFFFSHT.

The fancypants tycoon-era Greysolon Ballroom in Duluth keeps spamming my inbox about their upcoming Father/Daughter Dance, and this combined with the corset article just makes me so hulk-smashy that they're not hosting an Edwardian/Victorian Ball.

The first time I read that distance running could cause your uterus to fall out, I laughed and laughed. Then I read about how hard women had to fight to be allowed into marathons, I just got stabby. If only it was that easy to ditch your uterus...

When I first started exploring the terrain park, skiers weren't even allowed into the halfpipe. There was a giant NO SKIERS sign at the top. I'd hit the kickers and have to deal with the older (guy) snowboarders bullying me, throwing snowballs and yelling disgusting things. It got so bad that I could only go into the

I've perfected the whole 'emerge from a depressive episode' look and attitude.

Oh I do hope you responded with instructions to Google santorum.

We wore the boxer shorts that we SLAVED OVER in home-ec class. We wore them with pride.


You do realize that the inatimate components of your wristwatch are incapable of sexual or asexual reproduction, correct?

As a former stop-sign redhead, I salute you, coolest mom ever.

Don't let them win! Don't let the Man keep you from your sartorial choices! (I might have to steal your embroidered flowery sweater though...hey! What on earth is that over there?)

After one ski practice (back in the day) I decided to launch off the biggest kicker in the terrain park after bombing the black diamond above it. Lo, I overshot the landing ramp and yardsaled on the flats, smashing my face into the snow. Thank goodness for my helmet, because even with that on I'm pretty sure I ended

I work the phones and files for foresters. They're some of the most interesting people!

(Cyber-hug.) You have a legitimate right to object when people deflect their guilt onto you. People need to take responsibilty for their own actions, and you do not have to put up with anything less.

I'm confused about your comment, particularly your last sentence. Are you claiming that Barbour subscribes to the belief that it's not unreasonable to kill one's female partner, and that that is the heart of why these pardons are awful? Or are you saying that that belief that it's not that unreasonable to kill one's

Well I don't know about you, but there's just something terrifically erotic about the deli meats section. Sure gets me in the mood.

Dang those pesky blue laws! My grocery store can't carry beer!

I always get the willies when I'm walking down a long deserted hallway, whether it's in a hotel or an apartment building. The endlessly repeating doors/wall lights in close range make me motion sick, so I usually get nauseated, and I get skeeved out by the number of people behind every closed door, or worse... a