61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Mr.61Below got my super scary, retired Special Forces Officer uncle a bb-rifle. My scary uncle gave my husband a box of homemade beer. We sat there, thanking my gun-toting, intimidating uncle, wondering how, if ever, we were going to clue him in that my husband's father was a lifelong alcoholic who drank himself to

The very thing that makes them Scandinavian ensures that you'll never hear about them.

Just, just end marriage if you want to cut costs. End it outright. It's not like people get married anymore or stay married anyway.

Can they come with voice activated zoom?

The best thing about knitting a blanket is that you get to benefit from it too!

Oh but that sounds wonderful! I have to shut my cat out of the bedroom or she'll keep me up all night purring, head butting my face, licking my nose, and kneading sensative places. *Sad face.*

My cat almost looks like this. She's a little more ginger-y and slightly less fluffy, but she has the same Get to petting me, human expression. And she is manically obsessed with my knitting, so my whole system is 100% guaranteed to work. Yep.

A quilt, a cat, and a knitting project make for a wonderfully warm evening.

That cherubim already established that that was really an ecthros. Get with the program.

It's been crossposted with io9. I wonder if my star will disappear? ...It didn't? And you kept yours...man yellow and pink clash horribly.

Is it because of a skewed perspective on our part?

Don't worry, they're all too busy reading M-rated Harry Potter fanfic to bother talking to anyone.

As pro-choice Catholic, I actually love this. What really strikes me about this Ohshit! image is that Mary was given the choice to carry Baby Jesus. God sent her an angel to ask if she'd be down with risking death by stoning for adultery.

I've heard, "Jesus loved his mother so much that he gave her the best present he could and exempted her from Original Sin." Basically, she never needed a baptism.

Jeez, that poor photographer must have had to work hard to keep the wheels out of the pictures.

Thank you Baby Jesus for John Rutter and Eric Whitacre. Oh, and the classical MPR Holiday Livestream. That is all.

That second piece is my "There and Back Again" insurance, though, in case I ever need to go to Mordor.

Why is he shouting his last name at me??

That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with your screen name, would it? Purely coincidental, of course.

A few years back, the mine built about a dozen of these turbines. The only problem was, the original windspeed measurements were far far far too low. So they had to completely refit the blades. Have you seen those blades on the highway? They had to shut down an interchange to get each blade through. I keep wondering