61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Oh you betcha.

Heating and cooking taken care of.

I...I can't even... You didn't have to pay for that, did you?

As someone who happens to be naturally gifted with spacial-thought and an innate drive to fix shit, I guess it's good that my startup is a machine shop.

I had my suspicions, but once I saw this I just gave up and accepted it.

I am shamelessly promoting you just for your screen name!

My mad-dog uncle-in-law will be deep-frying the grouse that flew into my picture window at work (in addition to a turkey) while my husband and his volunteer firefighter squad friends will be hovering in the background ready to respond. What do I bring to that?

I love my Poäng chair, if only for the onomatopoeic quality of its name. *Poäng...poäng...it's bouncy!*

No wonder that clock says you're late—no one set the alarm.

I have to say, as an alto, I love trolling folks by singing both the baritone and soprano parts. But yes, by rights we should be at least Senators or something.

Nah, we're all just LOTR nerds at heart.

Every year, my gram gleefully starts playing Christmas music after the first snowfall. It snowed the second week of September this year...

I know, I know...I try not to freak out when people say sah-nah either, but in this case, it was the editor who made the Sisu-stubborness-Thor connection.

Sisu is a Finnish concept. I didn't want to bleat about cultural appropriation or the fact that Thor is Norse, not Finnish, because I figured people already knew that...but I guess not.

I got my first Wintergreen jacket when I was seven years old. I wore it until last year, only because my hips finally proved to be too much. It is still in excellent condition. The shell is waterproof enough to use as a raincoat during the summer, and I only break out the fleece liner when it's below zero, because

When I was in college, my Russian roommate would get seriously upset if she got wet when it rained. She would yell at me to take a shower if I got back soaked. Finally, I made a comment about how much I love walking in the rain and jumping in puddles, and she (almost neurotically) told me to think about all the

What's particularly irking is that no self-respecting Suomalainen would ever waste that much money on something that 'Form-over-function.'

It's one of those non-translatable concepts. Sisu is more a sense of quiet strength in the face of anything. A sort of 'courage, strength, determination, no-excuses-accepted, just do it, no complaints, and don't make a big deal about it either' mentality. Actually it would be more appropriate for this to be emblazoned

Are you all trolling, or have I just seen the first sign of the apocalypse?

I think we overestimate the likelihood of conception period, because we spend so many years being told that if you have sex, you-will-get-pregnant-and-die. Who hasn't had the I'mThreeDaysLateOMGI'MPREGNANT freakout? If you figure that the majority of women at 40 will have spent the majority of their lives focusing on