61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

I'm sorry, I saw "As part of a sub-2,000-square foot house, wasted space is a big problem" and I started laughing a little hysterically. But relative proportions aside, this is a gorgeous station. Are the lamps from IKEA too?

Use the principles of classical singing when yelling. Always warm up beforehand, support your breath from your diaphram, and lift your soft palate (yawn, it's the part on the back of the roof of your mouth that tightens up). Let your vocal chords do their thing; don't put undue strain on them by 'forcing' sound out.

I read this, "She picked up the flag," and inferred this, "She picked up the flag and stormed the capital steps, only to be overtaken by the 52 members of the Senate, who wrested it from her grip beneath the tangled pile of bodies." In fact, forget the flag, this is what really happened. [xkcd.com]

I still love the way Ballcutting Cybersuccubus rolls off the tounge.

I'm just irritated right now because Dammit Google, can't you tell I want cable charts, not cable tv listings?

I have finished everything, and I am allowed responsible, reasonable computer use (it's in my union contract!) but I am so twitchy because my brain goes like this: IT's gonna see I visit this site with the tagline Celebrity, Sex, and Fashion like fifteen times a day, what does that look like I'm doing? Panic!

All the better to show off the striped tights the editors picked the other day!

And Ohio! This midwestern union member is dancing on cloud nine!

Let's just prop the welding torch up between two sticks, put a rock on the pedal and be done with it, no?

I...I have nothing else to say except that I want that picture tattooed on my bicep. Now.

Keep a good sharp pair of tweezers on hand to get out splinters. Also, always keep them in the same spot so you won't be reduced to hobbling on the edge of your foot all over the house trying to find them.

As a WFR, you have been hearted for being awesome!

Most show Weims are kept whip thin (often you can see their ribs, which I don't particularly approve of.) My weim is also on the large end of the breed standard. To put into perspective, he's almost able to rest his chin on the kitchen counter. Plus, he's a notorious troublemaker, so he is always able to find more

Take one flat, thin piece of shale, drill a hole or two through, super glue an ashtray to the bottom, fill with oil, thread through a thick wick, and light.

Co-signed by this owner of a 90 lb Weapon of Mass Destruction Weimaraner-in-disguise!

Ten years ago, Embarrass, MN, mid-February, the mercury froze at the meteorological station. The temperature was -64 degrees F. Also, gas pumps don't really work when it's 57 below, nor are car heaters able to put out any warmth when parked. Life goes on, you deal with it. If it means taking your snowmobile to work

My screenname isn't hyperbolic, and on top of that, I used to be on the ski team in high school. I've gotten frostbite a few times, but the best thing I could was open up a bag of chips. I don't know if they make chip bags out of the same material as space blankets, but it's incredible at warming your hands or feet

Worse than insults are the times I just get dismissed. At that point, I'm not even worth the energy it takes to get called names.

I think this passive language is tied tightly to the tight rope we walk between owning our sexuality and being sexualized. I remember reading an article here months ago saying that as the balance tipped into the 'being sexualized' area, young girls and teens learned less about how to express sexual agency. They were

I'm sure glad because I think I'd be in a constant state of vertigo, and puking in public would probably set off a mass-chain reaction.