61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

You know, Michigan could totally be on to something. They should just leave all religious citizens under the jurisdiction of their respective deities. Think of how much they could cut their budget deficit by eliminating all the legal costs incurred by prosecuting these folks. Plus, there'd be no need to worry about

Now imagine a pushover dad who won't get his rear in gear even though there's a real likelihood that the toddler girl is being abused by the divorced mom, and the grandparents are being told that there really isn't much they can do unless they convince their son to push for full custody...that is a real cause for

I think that just worrying that you'll make a good parent often proves that you're a good parent. Don't let the world get you down!

I think that just worrying that you'll make a good parent often proves that you're a good parent. Don't let the world get you down!

It's better to just be prepared rather than trying to improvise. Keep a chain mat, a collapsible shovel, a box of hand warmers, a pile of newspapers, a sleeping bag, and a stock of chocolate in your vehicle all winter long. You never know if you're going to get stuck in a drift, run off the road by a grader, or blow

Tausaur's Law of Fox News and Neoconservatism.

Psst, I have some lollypox I can get you real cheap.

The sheer incompetence of my mother combined with the absolute inanity of my mother-in-law keeps me up at night, and I don't even have kids yet. I wish I was speaking hyperbolically, but my mom used to forget me. I couldn't take the bus home because I was being bullied so bad in elementary school, and she'd forget to

As a member of a family who spent years going through something very like that, I'm sending you lots of positive cyberkarma.

Frankly, I was giddy to get rid of my absentee father's horrible last name. My addressed name didn't rhyme with moustache, it was exactly how that sounds. 'Miss Rhymes With Cash.' Autocorrect was always Rash. And yet, I almost didn't get this job because of that name's ubiquity. One of my references was called and

But that implies that women aren't society's collective property!

You don't say!

They won't even run cable out to where I live, so I surf the net on my iPhone. We only just got 3G last winter, too. Then again, the township only got electricity within the last 50 years, and Mr.61Below grew up with gas lights at the cabin, so it's still an incredible leap in technology.

The bigger the nose, the better the targeting system!

Well that's depressing. Now I need a drink.

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job... Constructively, I observe that the attitiude of the supervisors makes a huge difference in the climate of the workspace. I've worked in local government in a rather backwater area for years now, but I've had two completely opposite experiences now. First job was for

Dear Teachers and Coaches who told me to 'stop acting so weird' when I was being bullied: I took your advice and no longer got bullied! Thanks for the stuttering problem and personality disorders I now get to deal with as an adult.

I always water mine to death. But Man Alive are they pretty worth it when they bloom!

I'm fascinated by the superior night vision my Blue!eyed spouse has. The only problem is that he's always turning the lights off on me, because to him, that one yard light half a mile down the road and the quarter moon produce enough light for him to see by, while I'd be stumbling over things and bouncing off walls.

Perhaps they were quoting the US Currency and the proper citation format was included on their menus?